Recent comments in /f/WorcesterMA

OP t1_jdzwxht wrote

Not really a band. The idea that anyone could tie into an existing community infrastructure is way different than meeting a random person or two at a bar and staying in touch, not to mention how rare that is in my experience. Those tend to be very loose social connections outside of rare instances.


t1_jdzpyo2 wrote

So you want to:

  1. Meet friends
  2. At a third space
  3. With coffee or alcohol
  4. Then keep in touch
  5. Through social media
  6. Planning events together
  7. And possibly have a clubhouse eventually

You have just described starting a band with strangers from the bar.


t1_jdzotde wrote

Yeah. Like a chimney or support structure in the basement. The fact that they are near the door makes me thing they were tossed out after a home renovation.

Load bearing structures being removed could be the reason for the visit. It may take a while for the engineering issue to arise.

Not that I understand engineering. Iโ€™ve just done dumb stuff before.