Recent comments in /f/WorcesterMA

your_city_councilor t1_je0o5qy wrote

Sounds good. It would be good to have a place to hang out in Worcester at night that isn't a bar, especially now that every coffee shop is open for only like an hour each day, closing before it's even dark.

I don't think it really matters where in Worcester, since the city is so small that it is easy enough to get from one place to another quickly.


jmc500 t1_je0lk2l wrote

I love your idea and I've had a similar thought, where it seems like our society really needs a sense of community. Yes we have our discord groups, or fb groups where we are part of a community, but the anonymity is really hurting us. With the decline in religion and church, I've been toying with the idea of a community "church". This idea is similar to yours, except that there would be a community-based driven aspect. There would be a sense of gathering. People could come together for a mission (to help others). In your idea, it still seems like there would be separation of smaller groups and less of a community aspect. So, I'm not totally sure it would holistically bring everyone together. It would almost be just a rental space for events. Keep on brainstorming. You are onto something and keep us posted.


OrphanKripler t1_je0gwx6 wrote

Yeah the baseball stadium was a huge waste of money. It only brings ppl into to watch the game and leave. rather than something that would encourage people to visit and stay and explore the city. The demographic that actually lives here doesn’t care about baseball.


EridanusCorvus t1_je0bx51 wrote

Maybe where they put in the new boardwalk around does reservoir? It's not super long and doesn't loop though.

If you're going for distance something like the Minuteman trail or Charles River Greenway near Boston may work better, but they're a bit far. MassBike has a good map of various types of trails.


Unlucky-Boot-6567 t1_je0btwz wrote

Just go hang out at Redemption Rock or something and join a board game. Bit harsh but people can do / are already doing all the things you’re describing at a brewery without paying a membership to hang out in a space.


lukewarm_sax t1_je0b47i wrote

It sounds like you're looking for specific paths to skate, but if you're looking for a communal skating experience, here's some recommendations (I'm a quad skater!).

I have not yet been to any of their gatherings (I keep meaning to!) but there's Worcester Area Skaters that I believe meet every week rain or shine, either in local parks or if it's rainy/snowy in parking garages. More info on them here:

And if you're open to traveling out to the Boston area, there's SkateBoston that is more blade friendly, I went to a couple of events a while ago when I was still living in Boston. Here's their Facebook private group with info organizing each of their meetups:


ManTheStan188 t1_je0aauc wrote

This reminds me a lot of Redemption Rock, right off Shrewsbury St. Brewery that also has a huge events side with something going on pretty much every night. Maybe reach out to them and pick their brain about how they got started, restaurants have a huge rate of failing within the first 5 years, get all the advice you can before you spend any money!


neon57O t1_je03qgz wrote

....can I buy pot from you? Cause that's the most dumb thing I've red all day.

If you do exactly what you are supposed to do, they will not bother you at all.

Or you can half ass it, get into a huge argument about it, and deal with assholes from there.

Seems pretty simple to me