Recent comments in /f/WorcesterMA
Kpop2258 t1_je6l3c8 wrote
Reply to comment by AceOfTheSwords in East-West Rail would give an economic boost to Worcester and Central MA, experts say by HRJafael
Would Have killed for a train to Lowell before my gf moved in with me
CGmoz t1_je6krpr wrote
Reply to comment by AceOfTheSwords in East-West Rail would give an economic boost to Worcester and Central MA, experts say by HRJafael
It's still dependent on Amtrak, this proposal is for a new Amtrak line.
quimblesoup t1_je6jdeq wrote
Reply to East-West Rail would give an economic boost to Worcester and Central MA, experts say by HRJafael
Imo a south rail that hooks up to either providence or somewhere in ct that allows for a continuation south (NYC, Philly, Washington, etc) would have a bigger impact.
sceaga_genesis t1_je6ijt3 wrote
Reply to East-West Rail would give an economic boost to Worcester and Central MA, experts say by HRJafael
Something something ballpark visu visu canal district renaissance
Ok-Grand-1882 t1_je6gdtw wrote
Reply to Short-term rental around UMass Chan area by Dexiade
Lots of colleges in that area and students are out of school May - September. You may be able to sublet for the summer. I guess you would probably need a car, though, as most schools are not walking distance.
AceOfTheSwords t1_je6fuir wrote
Reply to East-West Rail would give an economic boost to Worcester and Central MA, experts say by HRJafael
Tired of seeing this marketed as primarily a boon to Worcester. It is another expansion of transit options accessible to Boston residents, like just about every transit expansion the state decides to embark on. We're just lucky we were in the way. It completes a route from Boston to NYC that is no longer dependent on Amtrak. The vast majority of passengers will ignore Worcester. The improvements to Union Station will have a bigger impact on us than this. It's fine they're doing it, I just wish the presentation were more honest.
When will we see north-south rail? I want to be able to catch a train conveniently from Worcester to Providence, Lowell, or Nashua.
Probably never, is when. Or at least, not until the state's approach to transit radically changes.
melvintpunymeyer t1_je6edt3 wrote
Reply to Polar Park lacks transit options by GlobeOpinion
I'm not saying it's perfect by any means, but I thought this link provided some helpful information regarding different parking and transit options. I live in the city and have been to a number of games. I haven't found parking difficult. Personally, I find the lack of available ridesharing services to be more of a pain. I live too far to walk to the Canal District, but close enough that an Uber or Lyft would be comparable to parking costs. I can never reliably depend on drivers to be available and have found myself stranded at the end of a night so now I just drive and pay to park.
A_Man_Who_Writes t1_je6e0uy wrote
Reply to comment by Doom-Hauer451 in East-West Rail would give an economic boost to Worcester and Central MA, experts say by HRJafael
Yeah, even from Leominster it takes 1.5 hours. Can you imagine Springfield? You’re looking at a non-guaranteed 3-hour train ride.
Sweetbeansmcgee t1_je6dogm wrote
Reply to comment by Aeschere06 in It's time to take 'charge' of students' cellphone use in schools by ocvictor
I have alot of things that I don't use in the middle of my workday. Just because kids have phones doesn't mean they should constantly be on them
Doom-Hauer451 t1_je6de2m wrote
Reply to East-West Rail would give an economic boost to Worcester and Central MA, experts say by HRJafael
I doubt anyone will be taking the train from western MA to Boston everyday unless it’s a high speed rail. It’s already what, an hour or more from Worcester to Boston via the commuter rail? And it’s not even guaranteed to run everyday. Worcester is convenient for migrating Bostonians because it’s cheaper and not unreasonably far for a work commute. Any further west and that appeal starts to break down.
masshole4life t1_je6ddig wrote
Reply to comment by Aeschere06 in It's time to take 'charge' of students' cellphone use in schools by ocvictor
real talk, our society isn't in a position to give that kind of ultimatum.
we can't make teaching an underpaid bureaucratic nightmare and then turn around and tell teachers "if you don't like it then leave". that's absurd.
classroom distractions aren't new. first it was magazines and baseball cards, then it was handhelds like tiger games and gameboys, now it's cellphones.
just because the world changes doesn't mean that classroom distractions should be back on the menu.
unless phones are integrated into the curriculum they don't need this weird rabid insistence that they be allowed in the classroom.
some mombie wanting to text her son 50 times during the school day is not a good enough reason to have a whole class subjected to the buzzing and beeping of 25 other students' non-school-related communication.
IIRizzII t1_je6cx7i wrote
Reply to comment by becomingelle in What are good places to get Chinese food in Worcester? by brick5house5
Good to know, I’ll look into it, thanks! 😊
masshole4life t1_je6bb6j wrote
Reply to comment by caelen727 in What are good places to get Chinese food in Worcester? by brick5house5
you can't claim there are "no choices" and then drop hong kong island as your top pick for in the city. it's good, but please be serious. the best in the city? how many places have you tried?
HappyExperience9788 t1_je6b2rl wrote
Reply to comment by HappyExperience9788 in What are good places to get Chinese food in Worcester? by brick5house5
People use to say the food was nasty i only went there once when i first came to Worcester i wasnt impressed maybe this time il go back since its a different restaurant now.
masshole4life t1_je6avuo wrote
Reply to comment by bschav1 in What are good places to get Chinese food in Worcester? by brick5house5
agreed on chef ho. they do american style chinese right, though i slightly prefer prefer wen hing on lincoln. allegedly they are owned by the same people but i'm not sure.
HappyExperience9788 t1_je6arua wrote
Reply to comment by IIRizzII in What are good places to get Chinese food in Worcester? by brick5house5
She use to say Hi welcome to Hoe toy lol
masshole4life t1_je6a8lc wrote
Reply to comment by 7evenPoint128 in Polar Park lacks transit options by GlobeOpinion
>(certain council members)
why not name them? why treat them like some scary boogeymen whose names are never to be mentioned?
these are people driving local policy. if you believe that "certain members" are stifling progress in lieu of profit, call them out, please.
we should be having a conversation about it, not playing guessing games on reddit.
masshole4life t1_je69w6j wrote
Reply to comment by jpm01609 in Polar Park lacks transit options by GlobeOpinion
so if it turns out that almost no one can "figure it out" do we get a refund on the park? or did we pay for the privilege of being snarky and obnoxious?
becomingelle t1_je69mgx wrote
Reply to comment by IIRizzII in What are good places to get Chinese food in Worcester? by brick5house5
I made the switch from Wrights to the Village Haven (not far from Wrights) last year and will probably not go back to Wrights. The experience is different and lacking compared to Wrights but the food was sooooo much better.
tico8562 t1_je67qma wrote
Reply to Short-term rental around UMass Chan area by Dexiade
We must get at least 1-2 spam emails per week from students and (mostly) postdocs who are looking for roommates. Do you know your lab yet? If so, reach out to them so they can start forwarding you those emails.
We just had a new postdoc join our lab who lives in Boston with their spouse. They wanted to rent a local room to avoid city traffic and found one within a week or two.
thafunkyhomosapien t1_je66nsr wrote
Reply to comment by caelen727 in What are good places to get Chinese food in Worcester? by brick5house5
I believe it was a long-time employee who took it over. From what I hear it's just as good, or better than it was.
caelen727 t1_je65ddm wrote
Reply to comment by thafunkyhomosapien in What are good places to get Chinese food in Worcester? by brick5house5
Actually I didn’t, I moved away last year. That’s actually heartbreaking lol
IIRizzII t1_je64jrk wrote
Reply to comment by becomingelle in What are good places to get Chinese food in Worcester? by brick5house5
I have family that live in FL as well and theirs musts when visiting are: Chinese (preferably Jasmines in Auburn - used to be only Food works on Stafford street until they closed), Wrights Chicken Farm in RI, and seafood.
IIRizzII t1_je63xp9 wrote
Reply to comment by CryptoIsaac in What are good places to get Chinese food in Worcester? by brick5house5
AceOfTheSwords t1_je6lly6 wrote
Reply to comment by CGmoz in East-West Rail would give an economic boost to Worcester and Central MA, experts say by HRJafael
Ah, misread thinking it was a commuter rail extension. That doesn't change TOO much at the end of the day, except opening the possibility for insufficient frequency or tickets being priced out of usefulness.