quenchmycuriosity- t1_j9yjyoq wrote
It had only been five days since the aliens had made contact with humans, and already the world was in turmoil. The aliens, with their translucent hue and hive-like appearance, were unlike anything humans had ever seen before. But what was even more shocking was their assertion that humans were not sentient because they could not "keeneetaa".
The governments of the world had scrambled to try to understand what "keeneetaa" meant. Teams of linguists and scientists worked around the clock to analyze every scrap of data they had gathered from the aliens, as well as scouring through historical records of earth. But so far, they had come up empty.
The public reaction to the aliens' assertion had been a mix of anger and disbelief. How could these aliens claim that humans were not sentient? Surely, the ability to reason and feel emotions was enough to qualify as sentient.
Despite the confusion and fear, there were some who believed they had figured out the meaning of "keeneetaa" or had come close to understanding it. A group of scientists theorized that "keeneetaa" referred to a kind of psychic ability that the aliens possessed, which allowed them to communicate with each other telepathically. This theory gained traction among some members of the public, who began to speculate about how humans might develop such an ability.
The presence of the aliens had already started to have an impact on human society. Budget allocations had changed to fund more space exploration and research into developing faster methods of space travel. People all around the world were captivated by the news of the aliens, and many were eager to learn more about them.
Some individuals and groups had attempted to communicate with the aliens using methods other than language, such as music or art. But so far, the aliens had not responded to any of these efforts.
Despite the tension and uncertainty, both humans and aliens had made sure to be careful, cautious, and polite. There had been no incidents or conflicts between the two species since their initial contact. However, it was clear that the aliens possessed a greater understanding and knowledge of the universe than humans did. This fact left many wondering what other secrets the aliens held, and what the implications of those secrets might be for the future of humanity.
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