Exotic-Pie-886 t1_ja8u7bu wrote
"Upon observation of Humans, the Galactic Senate recognized how harsh they had treated each other. It came to a conclusion that one senator would not be representative since humans faced different problems. It stratified humans according to four races: Caucasian, Africana, Asian, and Astraloid. Each group was given a senator." He explained. One woman from the crowd raised her hand, after which se said, "Doesn't that reaffirm the discriminatory racial divisions?" To which, Alfred responded, "Which one will be more racially divisive, four senators representative of all races or one senator representing a single one. Look at our past. The United States had 76 presidents and only 2 were African, only 5 were Asian, and only Alexandria was female and Hispanic. What reassures us that we can act more representative when it comes to affairs of our entire species." The woman continued with her complaint, "One would be better because it will challenge us to act right. If Senators are awarded to intelligent life, then 4 senators to represent four races will mean races represent different satient lives."
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