SssethelissS t1_ja99vr1 wrote
Segment taken from galactic hearing 345-989-Terra3
Subject: Induction of 4 new members to galactic parliament sector 4.
Translation: Human English
Briefing given to all participants:
It is stated in galactic law section delta 9 that all sentient species capable of space travel are given 1 seat at parliament. However after further research into terra 4 known to inhabitants as "earth" 4 seats have been offered. This meeting is to settle why 4 seats where offered whilst smoothing over any confusion homo sapiens class humans have over the situation.
The following extract has been taken from the meeting underlining the main subject of conference.
"What do you mean 4 seats. I could understand 2 but not 4" The human known as Sci stammered.
It was at 08:43, mere seconds after Sci's statement did a figure materialise out of shadows stumbling while putting on a tie.
Void hoppers - Notoriously late for everything
"I agree with whatever he said" The figure stammered pointing at Sci. "Void hopper designation code 873532 title Cards, my apologies for my tardiness but me and ties have never gotten along."
The court room as silent. Many had never seen such a pathetic excuse for a nightmare before.
"As I was stating I can understand why terra 3 would get 2 seats but why 4?" The human resumed speaking as they stifled a chuckle.
"We are still await the appearance of 2 other beings. Does anyone have any idea where they are" High councillor Stella spoke just above a whisper to the crowed.
"There was a bit of a situation getting them across to the mortal plain." Another member of the council spoke.
>!"I am right here you imbecilic galactic guppies"!<
Stella sighed as she glanced across the room. "Did someone FORGET to turn on the translator again?"
A common occurrence in the court. For all our technological advancements we have never been good at remembering to actually turn on the damn things.
"As I was saying I am right here" A voice echoed from a chair in the corner. "Dr A.R. McGonnell the local dead scientist present and not accounted for." A thick layer of sarcasm rested on each word.
"We are sorry for that Doctor, you wouldn't happen to know where the last member of your group is would you?" Stella apologised in a nervous tone.
Never wise to anger a ghost.
"She is on her way, just had a few things to put in order" The chair shifted as he spoke. "She said not to wait up."
"I'm sorry but who is speaking and who is she" Sci stammered.
"The ghost on the chair my dear friend. I presume she is referring to death - add least deaths publicity officer" Card whispered patting his friend on the back reassuringly.
Humans - oblivious to most things around them
"No publicity officer today just me, sorry for being late we are rushed of our feat with the recent interstellar wars. So many deaths due to suffocation." A tall slightly scruffy girl said as she walked in holding a costa coffee in one hand and a burrito in the other. "Plus I had to get some breakfast."
"Not at all now we can begin".
The proceeds simply meant each party had to sign there names on many documents. It was rather comedic to watch Sci interact with death herself and a ghost for a scientist. I wonder how humans go on oblivious to all these thing around them. Never the less the reminder of the meeting was fruitful. We just don't quite know how to explain a 5 chair for terra 3 has to be added. Apparently we forgot the dolphins.
(not my best work but I hope you enjoy it all the same :) I decided to make use of characters I have used in previous WPs. I hope you have a good day)
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