xopranaut t1_ja6gma3 wrote
On the plus side, you wouldn’t need the Sorting Hat to tell you which house you were going to end up in.
[deleted] t1_ja6lfxa wrote
sennordelasmoscas t1_ja6p5hi wrote
Capybara? Capybara!
TA_Account_12 t1_ja6qzgj wrote
“Alright class. Settle down. It’s time I suppose. We will find out what your spirit animals are.”
The classroom broke into a cacophony of voices. It was one of the things any magic student looked forward to the most. A spirit animal would show them the way. It would also tell them of their place in the world. Would they be an eagle, brave and fierce, soaring to new heights. Maybe a lion, ferocious and an excellent leader. Mayhaps a majestic horse, driven and hard working. Maybe a clever fox. Or one of the countless other options.
Ms Stojakovic knew that most people would actually end up getting a bee. A symbol of following orders and getting the job done. Their society was built on worker bees. With the Magisterium at the centre acting as the queen bee.
Their spirit animal would only be visible to them. At least that’s what they thought. Her own owl sat on her shoulder, keen eyes capable of seeing what no one else could.
This was one of the reasons the Magisterium had put her in charge of this part of the studies. So that she could keep a close eye on the snakes, the scorpions or the wolves. Of course, your spirit animal didn’t really define your fate but it did have a significant influence on everyone’s future.
Ms Stojakovic started the process.
The children looked at her in shock. They had never seen Ms Stojakovic move so quickly. She ran down the hall straight towards the head office.
The secretary tried to stop her, tell her the principal was in a meeting. But this was too important.
Ms Stojakovic entered the room, looking straight at the headmaster.
“Ms Stojakovic? I’m in a…”
“Ishan. We need to talk. It’s urgent.”
The headmaster saw the look in her eyes. He nodded. He waved a hand, and the figures in the room with him dissipated into smoke.
“That was an important meeting Anna.”
“Not as important as the news I have.”
Ishan’s face was devoid of any outward emotion. This ability had helped him quite a lot in his life. But Anna’s owl eyes saw the massive lion beside him sit up and pay rapt attention to her.
Ishan noticed her gaze. “My eyes are up here Anna. Please talk to me.”
“Ishan. I… I’m not sure how to… perhaps we should look at my class?”
The classes inside the school were made magic proof from outside sources, with very little exceptions. As such even a wizard as powerful as headmaster Ishan’s couldn’t look inside. He followed Anna, walking as fast as his old frame allowed him. He and Anna had been friends for over a century. He had never seen her this excited.
The duo reached the classroom where the students were all still looking at their spirit animals.
It was a solid class. 60% bees, sheep, dogs, cats and other common animals. With a deer, a couple of lions, some snakes, a few elephants, and a smattering of various animals. There was a lot of potential here. 40% was above average for a class when it came to non common spirit animals. But there was one animal which had made Anna bolt from the classroom straight to the headmaster’s office.
Sitting at the end of the class was a small, scared looking child.
Ishan looked at Anna, slightly puzzled. “What am I supposed to be looking at?”
“You have found the one you were looking for. The chosen one. The one who will bring peace to our realm.”
Ishan stared at her, not breaking his silence.
Anna pointed to the girl in the back. “Her name is Milly. Millicent Adams. She could be the one we have all been waiting for.”
“I need you to be a bit more clear Anna. Since today was spirit animal day, I’m assuming this child has an uncommon one?”
“Not just uncommon. Something we have never seen before.”
At this, Ishan’s poker face finally cracked a little.
Anna continued. “This girl might be the key to it all.”
“Anna, as I have often told you, I don’t have your vision. You’ll have to be my guide as usual, my love.”
“Ok before I tell you what I see, tell me what are the things we know about our spirit animals.”
“Anna, must we..?”
“Yes.” She interrupted.
“Our spirit animals are our guides. They are the representation of our strengths and more often than not, signify the direction our life shall take. They also give us some specific magical powers that…”
Anna interrupted again. “Yes. Yes. But that is all about how the animals impact us all. What do we know about the actual spirit animals?”
“About the…” Ishan looked puzzled but he saw Anna’s expectant expression. “Well they are invisible to everyone and everything other than their human, except for the select few like yourself. They can help the humans out and grant their unique abilities to…”
“Yes yes. Everything else is fine. But the important thing. They are invisible to others. Not just humans. But other spirit animals as well. Except for my Gwai, of course and other few people who have owls as their spirit animals.”
“Yes. I’m aware of all of that.”
“One thing even Gwai has never been able to do. Interact with or touch any other spirit animal.”
Ishan’s eyes went wide. The poker face was discarded and all his emotions were visible now like cards on the table. “You don’t mean…”
“Milly’s familiar is an animal we have never seen before as a spirit. A capybara. Do you know what my Gwai is doing right now? It’s sitting on top of the capybara and looking more content than he ever has in his entire life.”
“But that’s impossible.”
“Apparently not. As you can see, no one in this class is unhappy. I have seen drawing ceremonies for about 8 decades now. This is the first time each and every one of the students is happy with their spirit animals. No one is sad they got a skunk. Or didn’t get an eagle or lion or whatever. As you are aware, spirit animals are directly impacted by our feelings, our moods. What we don’t often see is that it’s a two way street. Every single spirit animal in that room is currently very very happy. Even the usually irritable boars of which there is one in this class is happily sitting and enjoying the sun. The capybara is such a joyous animal that it is emitting happiness and impacting every single spirit animal in the room, in turn making every student happy.”
“So wherever Milly goes…?”
“This girl is destined to make everyone she meets and is around happy. She is the one who will bring our crumbling world together again.”
RoseBluebellDaffodil t1_ja6y1ko wrote
The day had finally arrived. I could not believe it was already the day of decision. The day that every senior was pronounced a real wizard. The day I would become a real wizard.
The Spirit Animal Fest. The most important celebration of them all. Apart from Christmas.
Every year, on the 16th of March, the Spirit Animals of the Heavens fall down to Earth and choose humans to hold their powers and carry it through the generations. This tradition had been passed down for centuries, creating and shattering freshman friendships every year.
My mother, a confident yet creative person, always seemed to have daunting eyes that aimed for the sky. Aquila, the Eagle Spirit Animal, chose her excitedly, my mother’s face gleaming with pride. Meanwhile my father, a courageous and wise person, was chosen to be a Lion.
My parents debated every night till this morning whether I would be an Eagle or Lion. I possessed many of their traits. I had straight A’s when it came to creativity. My spirit animal statues were of professional standard. My advice to friends when it came to hard times was better than the sick therapist sipping tea in the principal’s office.
I have absolutely no idea what my spirit animal will be. My heart pounded as the bell rang, commencing the Spirit Animal Fest.
I entered the vast courtyard and searched around as the Spirits sang and called on people. I found my friends all sitting nervously by the bench. Everyone would be nervous today. I waved at them as I glanced at my parents in the distance.
I took a look at the stalls. It was like a bustling marketplace, a bit of stepping on shoes, the excited talks and bargaining. And of course, as it was every year, Draco, the Dragon Spirit animal, always the most popular.
I knew I would not get it. I was simply a weak and unambitious teenager. Although, I was certain I would get either Lion or Eagle. Genetics were an important role when it came to receiving your spirit animal.
I snuck around the Horse Spirit Animal Stall, a small but courageous stall which everyone loved. I stole a piece of carrot cake from the back as I searched for the butterfly stand. The butterfly stand was the heart of the courtyard.
They gave predictions and advice to newcomers every year. I squeezed through the bustling crowd as I made it to Papilio. “Ah, Sophia!”
“Your advice for this year is,” He opened a scroll as he read. “You shall encounter new beginnings and friendships.”
“Wait what does that mean-” I shouted as the crowd threw me to the floor. I dusted myself off as I went to take a seat. The Calling would start in a minute or two.
“We would like to welcome all parents to our annual Spirit Animal Calling.” Principal Dove said as they stood up to the podium. The room silenced with anticipated whispers. “This is where all our freshman shall receive, inevitably, their futures. We have made careful observations in our school hours, and we know that we have many incredible wizards to grow and teach the future.”
“We may now start.”
The principal called out every Spirit Animal to the stage, each with its own accompanying speech. And finally, the Eagle. If I had to pick between the Lion and Eagle, I would pick Aquila every time.
“Aquila, the Spirit Animal of the Eagle. Strong and daunting, always makes an impact on others.”
“I bet 500 dollars that you would be an Eagle. Watch me win!” My mother grasped me and she hugged me with pride. “Let the selections happen. She has more qualities of a lion than school captain Tyrone.”
“Tyrone was a disgrace to the school.” Mother shook her head. As the enthusiastic claps subsided, I realised that it was practically certain that I would receive the Lion Spirit animal. I tried not to sulk in my seat as my father searched his wallet.
Leo pranced to the stage with a mighty roar. “Leo, the Spirit Animal of the Lion. Courageous and wise in every step of their life. They shall protect all those around them.”
I got more tense with every name call. I shut my eyes tightly as I listened. Suddenly, the same, energetic applauding happened, bursting my ear drums. I looked to my parents with confusion as my father put back the money.
“I- guess she’s not either.” Mother mumbled, trying not to look disappointed. I felt despair rise in my as I tried to think of something to say.
“Before our Calling Ceremony concludes, we have a few special spirit animals here with us. Please welcome Bara.” The applause was serene, everyone knowing what a horrible job it was.
I mean, cleaning the swamps? Washing the boat deck? Feeding the mermen and mermaids? Not exactly everyone’s cup of tea. I noticed Rana, the Spirit of the Frog animal, in the special list. I sat in excitement as Bara droned with a long assignment. “It’s alright you didn’t get Eagle or Lion. Maybe you’ll be called for the Frog Spirit Animal-”
“Sophia Douche. Please come to the stage.” I felt startled as he called my name. Was this a mistake?
“Sophia?” I stood up and made my way to the stage. I could not comprehend the looks I saw on the audience’s faces. They looked like a mixture of confusion and disgust. My eyes felt like tearing up as I stood up on the stage, being looked down by all the people I knew.
It felt like the world was turning on me. I only caught fragments of what Bara was talking about as the rest sank in my disappointment. “Helpful…Friendly…Should be proud…Emotional people…Gentle instead of feared.”
I rushed back to my seat as the dim clapping paused. “I know, not everyone is happy with their spirit animal.” The principal said as she overlooked the students. “But not everything shall go your way. Not everything will be predictable. You shall face challenges, but you have to adjust and live freely.” Pfft. As if.
wathcman t1_ja71q3c wrote
Ah yes, friendship incarnate. Careful it can bite!
Smokedeggs t1_ja7u3tc wrote
Love this. Very interesting
throwaway47138 t1_ja9240m wrote
I knew my life was going to be interesting when I found my spirit animal. No, not directly because of it, but because of what everybody else thought it meant. Everywhere I go, people herald me as the chosen one, the the savior, the one who will bring peace, and on and on. Because that's what everybody assumes when they see my spirit animal, the Capybara. Yes, they're known for being friendly and happy and getting along with just about anything and everyone. But really? I don't want to deal with that mess, I just want to chill and enjoy myself.
Ah, well, looks like it's about time to be moving on. It's been a couple days of being feted here and pretty soon they'll be expecting me to actually do something to warrant all their praise. But that's way more work than I want to deal with, and besides, capybaras aren't know for any of that stuff; they just want to chill and enjoy themselves. Just like me.
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