sadnesslaughs t1_jahw0c2 wrote
[Part 1 of 2]
“You’re looking good. How longs it been since we last got coffee? Five years now?” Kyle asked, sitting down at the nearly empty café. Only a few dedicated customers braving the hot weather to come grab a cup.
“More like ten. It’s strange how time flies. What are you talking about, anyway? You think I look good? Look at yourself. It’s like you haven’t aged in ten years. Did you get some surgery done?” Tricia leaned over the table, pinching Kyle’s cheek, testing the elasticity of his skin. In her mind, any surgery would have made it impossible to pull on his cheek, but her theory had some flaws. The more she pulled, the more his cheek stretched until she let go after noticing Kyle’s annoyed stare.
“Must be my diet of pizza and whiskey. Not that I’m an alcoholic or anything, I just like to indulge on the weekends. Works stressful, you know?”
“Oh, that’s right. You’re a big deal now, the swiss army knife of the police force. Able to walk into any situation and walk out alive.”
“Don’t say it like that. You make it sound like I’m some sort of weapon. I’m just there to make the other members of the force get to go home to their families. I’m nothing special.” Kyle said, sipping his coffee. He had ordered a triple shot today, but the taste felt more bitter than usual, making him scrunch his face up at the first sip.
“Nothing special? You have more medals than anyone else. Where do you even keep them at this point?” Tricia smirked, watching his brief look of disgust before he went back to his coffee, acting as though it hadn’t happened.
“I used to hang them up on a board or frame them, but now I just toss them into a box. It’s easier that way.”
“Wow, I wish I had that life. Best I get at work is a brief thank you before getting another load of work thrown on my desk. The hero's life sounds a lot more exciting.”
“I’m not a hero. I’m a public servant.” Kyle corrected.
“A public servant. Then can you serve the public by paying for my coffee today?”
“Not that kind of servant, unfortunately.”
The two shared a laugh before discussing a few idle pieces of conversation. They discussed friends, families, holidays, hobbies and eventually love lives before Kyle checked his watch, noticing he had to head back into the office.
“It’s been nice seeing you. Now that you’ve moved here, maybe we can see each other a little more? We can bring our partners next time; it will be fun.”
“I would love that. Seriously though, you haven’t aged a day since I last saw you. It’s weird. Maybe someone is using their powers to stop you from aging?”
“That wouldn’t work. My power stops abilities from affecting me. An ability like that would just be void. It wouldn’t age me quicker or slower, I would just continue to age as normal. Although, if someone tried to speed up my aging, that might stop it.”
Kyle didn’t like the little theory he was developing. He hadn’t really thought about it before. Sure, he still had a baby face, but some people just did, right? What was a thirty-five-year-old even meant to look like? Surely someone couldn’t be stopping him from aging. They would have to be in direct contact with him. Or at least close enough that their powers would reach him.
“Earth to Kyle. Did you hear me?”
“Huh? Sorry, must have zoned out.”
“I just said that it’s weird that you haven’t aged since you took the job. Maybe it’s all the running around you do. Well, See ya.”
“Yeah, See ya.”
Kyle finished the last of his drink, standing outside the coffee shop, reflecting on her words. He joined the force about ten years ago and in that time; he hadn’t shown many signs of aging. Was there a person with abilities in the force? That was pretty rare. Most people like him became heroes or villains to cash in on their abilities. Not police. Not to mention, there would be a record of their ability. They couldn’t have kept it hidden, could they?
When he returned to work, he was a little less cheerful, not giving his usual enthusiastic greetings as he passed by his colleagues. Instead, he went straight to his desk to test his theory. He twisted the lid of the coffee cup, making it sharp before giving his finger a small cut, watching the blood trickle down it. If someone was affecting his aging, the cut wouldn’t heal, it would just keep trickling.
Minutes passed, then an hour and still the cut trickled blood, becoming a little messy until a few others noticed the bloody tissues he was hiding under his desk. James, his partner on the force, lent over his desk, offering another box of tissues.
“What a nasty cut, little things really bleeding. Want me to get you bandaged up? Can’t have our star officer dying to a paper cut.”
“No, I’m fine. Just a little cut. That’s all.” Kyle didn’t want any attention on him. All this chatter and staring made it impossible to determine who was using their ability.
“If you say so. If it’s still bleeding when I get back to your desk, I’m patching it up, though. I’m not letting you die.”
“It’s just a cut.” Kyle argued, but James was already heading off to do something else. Another ten minutes passed, and the cut had stopped bleeding. The person must have found out he was hurt and stopped using their ability, at least that’s what Kyle concluded.
He quickly got up from his desk, heading into the police chief’s office. Most people would have been yelled at for entering without an email or appointment, but Kyle had earned the privilege of wandering in unannounced. He took a seat, noticing the stoic look of police chief Holly. She hadn’t said a word since he entered, just tapping away at her keyboard, paying him no mind.
“Chief. Do we have any people with abilities working for us?”
sadnesslaughs t1_jahynuo wrote
[Part 2 of 2]
“Yes, we do. A few retired heroes, I’m sure you have seen their files. Is that all?”
“No, not them. Anyone else?”
“We have you? Anyone else would be in the system. Just check that if you have some concerns.”
“I’ve seen everyone’s files, and no one has an ability that matches what I’m suspecting.”
“Suspicions are dangerous, Kyle. Especially in a workplace. What ability do you suspect someone is using?” She stopped her tapping, straightening out her tie as she focused on the conversation.
“The power to speed up someone’s aging. Well, speed up a normal person’s aging. Not mine.”
“You think a person is stopping you from aging? Why would that be a negative?”
“It’s against my will. Who says I want to stay this young for another decade or however long they keep doing this for?”
Holly sighed, leaning forward on her desk. Her medals flickering against her buttoned up shirt, decorated in some of the highest honors that someone in her position could get. She clasped her hands together before speaking.
“I say you want to stay like this. At least until I retire. I’m the one doing it. I could try to gaslight you into believing this is all in your head, but I respect your dedication to helping the public, so I’ll speak to you as an equal.”
“You’ve been doing this? Why?’
“Because you’re my golden goose. A person like you is a one in a million. You can resist any power and avoid whatever our enemies throw at us. Usually, a person with your talents would be on a hero’s salary, but you joined the police. Your service alone has saved the lives of thousands. I can’t risk aging, sending you to an early grave.”
“You’re taking away my freedom. I deserve to live as I please. What, do you think I’m going to retire when I hit forty? That you will be left without your golden goose?” He hissed that last part. What a crude thing to call him. He was more than some prized animal for her to carry around.
“No, because you won’t hit forty. Think about what I said for a moment while I print something.”
Kyle thought about her words until something stood out. An early grave. What did she mean by that? The crunching sound of paper going through the printer interrupted his thoughts, making it hard for him to think. When she placed the paper before him, he snatched it up, reading over it. It was a medical diagnosis for a brain tumor.
“In a few years, that tumor of yours is going to kill you. I’ve asked a few doctors and most say it’s inoperable. One said he was willing to try the surgery, but the success rate is low. Its developments are slow, but only because my powers have limited its growth.”
Kyle’s eyes flicked over the paper. How didn’t he know about this? It should have come up in his yearly medical tests. The doctor said he was healthy, that he looked as healthy as he did when he was in his twenties. How did she know about this? Then the answer hit him as he read over the bottom of the page. ‘This tumor has been discovered through the medical foresight of Dr. Ann Fania.’
Everyone knew that name. She was famous in the medical world, able to give you a rundown of any future medical issues you may face, allowing people to get an upper hand on their illnesses. She was too expensive for most people to afford, only aiding celebrities or public figures, but he had met her once before, when she had a brief appearance at the station to answer some questions about her house being broken into. Now that he thought about it, it was strange they never actually investigated her home, only taking notes and talking to her before they dropped the matter.
“Y-you tested me when Ann was here, didn’t you?”
“I did. She owed me a favor. Her results were unfortunate, to say the least. I’m sorry you have to find out this way, but I can’t afford to lose you.”
“So, what? You’re going to use me up? Make me fight your battles before I die?”
“You’re being emotional. Calm down and think about this. Yes, I’m using you, but by using you, I’m extending your life. You can have the family you’ve always wanted and spend a long, happy life with them. You’re getting a lot out of this. I’m giving you a chance to live.” Holly glanced at her keyboard, using the silence to continue typing up her report.
Kyle sat there, unable to find any words. He was going to die. Not only that, he was being kept alive by his boss, so she could continue catching criminals. He felt dirty, like he was no more important than the gun she wore on her hip. What could he do? If he complains or leaves, he dies. He was bound to her until either she retires or dies.
“I don’t know what to do.” Kyle placed his hands over his face, unsure why he was crying. Perhaps it was just a rush of emotion that needed to be released after a long day.
She handed him a tissue before returning to her keyboard. The printer went off again, and another document was placed before him. She took out a gold pen and scribbled her name on it, signing off on the document.
“I’ll tell you what you’re doing. You will take two weeks of paid leave. In those two weeks, you can consider everything we have discussed and then you can return to me and give me your true feelings on the matter. If you still hate what I’m doing, you can expose my abilities or leave. If you come to understand why I did this, you can return to work and we will be more open with one another moving forward.”
“The leave is mandatory. I’m not asking you to take it, I’m telling you. I’m sure you will come to the right conclusion.”
Kyle took the paper and gave her a nod, holding it to his chest as he walked out of the office. James tried to stop him for a chat, but he brushed past him, keeping his head down as he walked to his car, not stopping for any idle chatter. He had a lot to think about, even if he felt he already knew what decision he would make.
(If you enjoyed this feel free to check out my subreddit /r/Sadnesslaughs where I'll be posting more of my writing.)
TheGalator t1_jaifu97 wrote
Feel likenit doesn't maken sense. He is immune. Why would her ability work? Or the Scan of the doc?
SamuraiHealer t1_jairido wrote
My take is that his power is like an equal and opposite reaction. The Chief is aging him so his powers resist keeping him in stasis. The Doc's powers could be mostly internal, increased memory, deduction and sensory acuity meaning that he's not getting "hit" with any powers, she's just using those internal powers to work out the diagnosis like Sherlock Holmes' inspiration. However a brain tumor feels like a stretch in that case.
MonkeyChoker80 t1_jaiwkrj wrote
Could be the Doc’s power is building scanning devices that map out a person’s health.
Also, would love to see something where Kyle realizes that his power is ‘resistance’ and not just pure immunity… and he finds a couple criminals with powers (say… one that ‘boosts’ others’ powers and one that causes tumors to ‘grow’) and uses their interactions with his own power to remove the tumor completely.
Side-step the Chief, as it were.
SamuraiHealer t1_jaixjap wrote
The Forge approach. That works too.
It could be heroes, but he probably knows more criminals.
shinylungburger t1_jaik660 wrote
Im guessing its a toggle power so they gotta choose for it to not work.
Necorus t1_jaio52b wrote
Then he could simply choose to stop the chief from trying right age him which was causing him to stay young. Instead he has two choices, snitch on her or leave. So I don't think he gets to chose when his power works or not.
Forward-Photograph-7 t1_jaiidru wrote
Sheesh, your writing is just awesome! 👍👍☺️☺️😌
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