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Call_the_Green_Man t1_jck83lq wrote

A floor length leather coat, a couple sizes too big, is draped over exposed shoulders. Underneath, a blue sequined cocktail dress is accessorized with sparkling white jewelry and flats.


Wafran t1_jck96bq wrote

A whisper in the shadows, a few steps were heard across the museum's floor, the first guard rapidly approached the scene with his flashlight at hand, you must be mindful that this was no ordinary museum, for it guarded the only one of its kind, a rose diamond worth a value so high one would not be able to write it in a napkin...

That's why this robbery wasn't being conducted by anyone, one of the most experienced and feared thieves in the whole world, she was agile enough to break the line of sight... and so she did...

When she arrived at the podium in which the diamond was being shown, there was no light but the many flashlights of the guards, and that's when she did it...

She dropped down to the floor of the room and made enough noise to call everyone's attention... then, she unbuttoned her dress before anyone had time to react... when the lights of the flashlights finally reached her, a dress underneath her coat, made of sparkling and dashing reflective materials blinded every single person in that room, excepting her...

By the time everyone recovered their eyesight, the diamond was gone... as so was the sparkling thieve...