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GameSpection t1_janw7lx wrote

When he asked if I wanted my dreams to become true, I probably should've been more aware of the context. For anybody else, this would have been a dream come true. If only I was a fan of sci-fi or superhero movies when this happened. Unfortunately, I was really into steampunk.

I put on my 1800s steampunk top hat and nearly scolded my entire head. There was actual steam coming out of it. I had a hat filled with boiling water. I tried to put on my coat and was stabbed by a rusty pipe. Now I need a tetanus shot. I needed to get out of this convention as soon as possible.

I made my way to the parking lot, and couldn't find my car for a while. I finally found it, but it wasn't actually my car anymore. It was an 1880s "motor vehicle". The fuel tank was full, but I doubt that I had enough coal and water to get home. I got in, almost having my arms torn off by the decorative gears, which were actually working now.

I got to the nearest hospital. They diagnosed me with a rare disease that was thought to be wiped out before the 20th century. Apparently my gear came with typhus. Whoever did this had an amazing attention to detail.

If only I was a part of a more mainstream aesthetic. Imagine if I was into wealth punk or something. I could've payed off my mortgage.


stillnotelf t1_jap1aoq wrote

My mind is warring with "wealth punk can't be real, plus it would just be boring suits" versus "every ____punk is a thing, it's like sfw rule 34"


GameSpection t1_jap5z7t wrote

Wait isn't wealthpunk just nerds on r/wallstreetbets
Does that count as an aesthetic