GrunkleStanwhich t1_je11rg3 wrote
"In Hell you may have whatever you'd like, but it all comes at a price", the first thing the little winged imp said to me when I approached the twisted iron gates to the underworld. I knew what the little reddened ball of hatred really meant. In earth there were plenty of stories of man being tricked by the supernatural. Of wishing for everlasting fame and being granted eternal misery instead; restlessness, as fame meant to be tracked in every waking moment until the end of time. But I was smart, or so I had thought. My wish simple: let me see her again.
The imp smiled a crooked smile, teeth like the rotted keys of a long abandoned piano. His laugh was a song of fury and wrath.
"I'll take you to her then."
The gates creaked open as if they had been waiting just for me, and on the other side suddenly was her, standing amongst a field of brimstone like a single flower left alive after some great burning. Her face showed no wear, no break and no lines. Porcelain, white and left in a cabinet to be admired. In hushed words I stuttered.
"I...I it's been and eternity my love." The words choked at my throat.
But she only stared, her eyes frozen pools of blue that could only sit until unthawed by spring. A spring that I knew would never come. She blinked back in disbelief, registering what had been done to her.
"Do you know where you have stolen me from Lawrence?"
I stepped forward, through the arch of the gate and towards her, but she stepped away, miming my movements in reverse.
"Steal, no, no. I just wanted to see you. Just for a moment." Now the tears fell down my cheeks, falling to the stone floor and sizzling in little spurts of steam.
And somewhere above the imp cackled. The devious laugh of a crow hidden in the treetops, joyous at what I had done. Reveling in my misfortune. I looked up to the reddened sky's of hell but was met by nothing but a voice calling out though the void.
"Now you may see her, see her forever. You have plucked an angel from heaven, a fool disguised as a romantic. Enjoy your reward, Lawrence."
I looked to my love, who had turned away from me.
"At least we have each other, right my love?"
"Yes, and I can say that with that, you have truly made this place hell."
Crystal1501 OP t1_je12z93 wrote
Should have said 'Can I see her for just a minute?'
Then again, something would have been twisted anyway...
WhiteKnigth t1_je13i9r wrote
Damm, but should her not have her a say on the matter I doubt the heavens would allow it, easiest option would be for her to not be the "real" one but they won't tell him that. Anyway great one.
Crystal1501 OP t1_je13zjf wrote
Someone said something similar in response to another story with a husband. Seems like people don't take kindly to leaving behind eternal happiness for some reason...
WhiteKnigth t1_je14rk6 wrote
Now that you mention it, maybe shen belonged there and she wished to be in heaven and his wish retuned her there Wich would be even more brutal,.
But at least on my case, heaven is the perfect place to not have anything done to you without consent.
The more I think about the more scenarios popup, you did a truly awesome work.
Crystal1501 OP t1_je14ynw wrote
Lol all I did was write the prompt! But thanks!
GrunkleStanwhich t1_je182tz wrote
Thanks! I think I had a few ideas in mind, one just being that demons could be cunning enough to snatch or borrow a person from heaven. The other being that she's not the real her and more of a representation to punish him. Up to interpretation.
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