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Lolosmirnoff-md t1_jdkd6bs wrote

1999 Carol was old she minced words about her age when her knees bent to sit on the small park's only bench they crackled and her balance went. But Carol didn't hit the pavement; she didn't hit anything. Still kinda wably from the slip she heard a faint voice, “man carol you really scared the shit out if me. Are you ok?” again, no reply. “Carol it's me, Frank. We are having lunch together in our bench. It's Monday.” he looked into his best friends eyes and “Boy I had you scared ya old bastard. “ she brushed her clean as Frank gently sat her back on her cushion. She brought it every Monday; wood was to hard. Frank finally cocked a smile and anger disapTex into humor. He loved carol to much to stay angry. “That was a cheap trick carol” he reminded her “you're just an old mean which. A cackle escaped from carols mouth. To be clear she wasn't anything of the sort, but she did cackle like the classic persona would sound like. Her laugh was franks first attraction to her, attending bigger park up the street he at alone. Everyone did there enough places for all seniors and you workers to spread out. Frank didn't like it, his wife just past away six months ago he was ready to talk. . Carol smiled and invited him over with a wave. Introductions through they each explained why they came here everyday. Both were tired of stuffed inside their senior size apartment, “there's another park near here no one goes to anymore frank. We could go there and eat in privacy” it was so mych a question as a reminder of flirting and how much she enjoyed it. Frank agreed eagerly, “ how about Monday? We can have a nice time without loud yuppies yelling at homeless men. So they are together every Monday, “did you see the track that singer had? If I were twenty rears younger watch out!” carol finished her sandwich quickly. Soon Mondays replaces backward silence from Father Michaels who didn't agree women and men shouldn't eat together. Both seniors laughed, rather Frank laughed and Carol tackled. Their lunches were long and despite rain or snow they attended. Frank wanted to tell her how deeply his feeling had grown but was worried it might ruin an already perfect scenario. They did this till the park's number of visitor dwindles. They both understood; they both hoped and prayed every Sunday during Mass too. 2020 Frank sat on their bench waiting for carol. It wasn't like her to be late. “ I hope she's ok. I hope she didn't leave town.” causing him to giggle to himself. Frank felt hungry so he ate alone that Monday and the next too. And then he stopped. The day before, Sunday, Father Michael's recited the prayer for all who fell to the still new Coronavirus. On the third Sunday he was I formed of carol, his most special friend had past away three weeks earlier. Frank almost wept but held it together throughout Mass. He tried to leave but Father stopped him, “Frank I know the loss of carol is painful but she had prepared a letter for you. When he life was ending it was only you she thought Frank, only you.” he placed a hand of frank shoulder and frank left quickly with his letter. He could read it In only one place. As he sat on their bench he laughed, he cried and... He said goodbye to his most special friend