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Jyx_The_Berzer_King t1_jd1oi7b wrote

a part two either just after or a little later that shows Robali thinking back on this moment and seeing how right her predecessor was would be kinda cool.


fhangrin t1_jd2pi4b wrote

Robali sat in her study in quiet contemplation, the ancient sword bared from the scabbard. Scales gleamed along the entire back of the single-edged sword, trailing well down along the crossguard and disappearing into the wrapped hilt.

A week had been given for the mourning of the former King Lucius Dragonblade. A week to contemplate her teachings before the inevitable time came when she would have to apply them. A week to watch her elder brother become the greedy wretch she'd always known him to be. Now though, she contemplated something else.

'Blood for Liberty,' etched in fine silver filigree along the razors edge of the blade. Something about the etching stirred something within her mind. A memory, though only judge at the very fringes of her consciousness. Something profound her father had once told her of what being a ruler would mean.

'The tree of Liberty must occasionally be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants,' something seemed to whisper to her.

The voice didn't bother her, in fact, as it was often that she thought of the sword as a sentient thing as much as she knew it was a symbol of her family's rule over their corner of the world. Now though, it seemed more...


"Who's there?" Robali called out, stirred from her position and glancing around the study; finding only stacks of books and the sword her company.

Something seemed to draw her eye to the word 'Liberty.'

'We are no strangers, you and I. Our pact is sealed. Liberty has been refreshed with the blood of a Patriot.' Robali could almost swear she could sense hesitation in the disembodied voice. 'Your father was a truly good man. A good Paladin.'

Robali felt the involuntary clench of her jaw at the mention of the man her father had been. Ten years ago, perhaps. Toward the end, he just seemed... Tired. Ready to retire to a countryside to be forgotten, as if his death weren't a foregone conclusion.

'You will know the same weariness in time, child. Duty is a mountain that weighs not on the body, but the soul. Duty will always crush the spirit. It was time.'

"Is that why he asked to be set free?"

'Good men are few and far between, child. Most will see themselves live just long enough to begin to embody the very things they once swore against. Some will hang on to those morals until the end of their days. Rulers, as you now are, and as you must now be, must be able to change with the times.'

'There is a time though, when the people need the change.'

Robali slammed a fist against the table, causing the sword to rattle upon it. "That didn't mean he had to die! He could have just passed on the crown!"

'That is the pact, Robali. That is the pact your family made with me to rule these lands.'

"Are you a demon then? Am I bound to a devil in servitude?"

'No, child. Demons and devils would have no use for happy countrymen, full bellies, freedom, and secure borders. They would benefit most from the strife your brother would cause. Did benefit from the strife your late Uncle caused.'

Robali sat back in her chair as if physically pushed, anger leaving her faster than it had come upon her. All she could feel in that moment was grim acceptance for what would have to be done... And a quiet gratitude that she had a great many years before her own time would come.

"Duty is heavier than a mountain..." With a heavy sigh and wetness stinging at the corners of her eyes, Robali asked, "Will I ask for it in the end as well?"

'That's your story to tell, Queen Dragonblade. But this I can promise you.' The voice of the blade fades almost to imperceptibility.

'It will be light as a feather when we welcome you home.'


NicomacheanOrc OP t1_jd6t5j5 wrote

That's a great last line. First I thought about the feather, contrasting against the mountain. Cool, cool. And then I thought about the "home" part, and it really hit me. And then I thought about the "we" part and it blew my mind.


fhangrin t1_jd6ye2p wrote

See, now I wanna know what conclusions you drew.