Pope-Francisco t1_jefvh2r wrote
Ralph slowly opens his eyes, gazing upon the cold insides of a space ship. He looks around to find himself in the med bay with R08 standing above him. “Your awake. How do you feel Raphael?” “I feel fine.” “No obscured vision? Nauseous?” “Nope. But, what the hells going on? Were is the rest of the crew?” “They are currently dead right now.” “What?!” Ralph bolts out the med bay & tries to find their bodies, he runs through the ship & finds his friends corpses on the ground covered with blankets. “O-oh my god!” Ralph’s legs get shaky, his breathing increases, his heart is racing. “Don’t worry Raphael, they are going to be ok.” “What do you mean?! Their dead!” “You were dead too.” “What?” R08 comes towards Raphael & lowers its torso to his level. “If you don’t remember, you & the crew were blasted by a massive serge of radiation from an unknown source. I tried everything I could to save you all, but these efforts only delayed the inevitable. Once you were all dead, I searched for possible ways to revitalize you all.” “But that’s impossible! There isn’t any technology that can revive humans after death!” “That is true, but I did not use technology, I used magic.” “Magic? But that’s only art that can be used by the Apostles of the empire.” “Well, from what I found anyone can use magic as long as they now how to manipulate the right matter. And it was with this information that I managed to learn how to use a necromancy spell & revive you.” “That… holy shit.” Ralph looked at his hands, amazed that he was revived using magic. He looked at the welts & bruises on his arm, yet he could no longer feel the pain of the radiation. “I’m going to go revive the others as well.” “Wait! Necromancy is restricted only to the Apostles, if anyone, including certain members of our crew, we will all be killed.” “But that’s not good. Im meant to keep you all alive.” “Exactly, so how about you keep this necromancy a secret between the both of us. You can still revive our crew, but we can never reveal how we did it.” “…that would be lying.” “Yes, but sometimes lying is necessary to execute a job.” “…if this lie will help keep this crew alive, I’ll do it.” “Great! We will carry this secret to our graves.” “To our graves.” R08 then began casting necromancy upon the crews corpses. Ralph watched & wondered, wondered how much magic would benefit his crew.
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