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ArbitraryChaos13 t1_jdsfm1y wrote

I smiled to myself, tapping my shovel on the ground. The woman jumped up, startled, and spun around to face me. I tipped my cap slightly.

"Evening, miss. Little late to be out here, don't you think?" She breathed out a sigh of relief, turning towards me fully.

"Hah. Sorry, you startled me."

"No, my bad. I snuck up on you." I walked next to her, staring down at the grave. "Shame what happened to her. To go so young."

"It is, isn't it?" I nodded.

"Here, are you busy?" I thought for a second, then chuckled to myself. "Of course not. You're in a cemetery in the dead of night." I motioned with my hand. "Come on, I'll put on some hot chocolate."

"Uh, no, I think I'll-"

"Relax. We won't be long. Been a long time since anyone came to visit." She huffed.

"Like you said, though, it's really late."

"Indulge an old man, won't you?" The woman tilted her head. There wasn't a worst case scenario she could see. The old man, me, must be nearing 75, 80 years old.

"Fine. But you owe me one."

"Which is why I'm treating you to a fine cup of hot chocolate." We took our walk in near silence back to the hut I'd constructed over my... how many years of service was it, now? 300? 330? I used my shovel as a walking stick as I began my... interrogation, as I suppose it was.

"Why are you even up so late?" I glanced back at my companion, who'd been hanging a bit behind me.

"The ghosts keep me up sometimes. There's lots of them around, you know." Apparently satisfied in her assumption I was a bit off my rocker, the woman sped up to walk next to me. "If I may, who's grave was that you were visiting?"

"Her? I mean... I used to know her. It really is a shame she died the way she did."

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Was it an unusual death?" The woman paused.

"Just... a kid being stupid, I think." She was hiding something, then. "Probably thought a few cleaning chemicals were colorful drinks." I nodded, hiding my suspicion better than she did, before waving my hand through the air.

"Never mind all that. What's your name? Why visit so late at night? How's your family?"

"I'm Amanda."

"Roy." Amanda nodded.

"My family is... gone, unfortunately. And I was busy all day, so I couldn't come until now." I snorted.

"Weird to be working until... what is it? 2, 3 AM?"

"You're up." I waved my hand in the air.

"I told you already, the ghosts kept me up! Besides, I work here! I'm allowed to be up whenever I want."

"Sure you are."

"Ah, here we are. Just let me... here's the darn key." I unlocked the door, walking in as Amanda followed me.


ArbitraryChaos13 t1_jdsj0go wrote

"Well, here's my home. Make yourself comfortable. Or don't, I'm not your dad."

"Uh... thanks." The inside of the hut was comfier that you'd expect from a graveyard keeper's hut. I'd made sure it had plenty of comfortable things long before I got this old, and... I'd had a long time to gather stuff. "Nice place you got here."

"And I intend to keep it that way." I filled up and turned on the kettle, then sat down in one of my most comfortable chairs after moving it near Amanda. "That'll be a bit, unfortunately. But, we're up, so we might as well keep ourselves occupied until then."

"I'm not intruding on anything, right?"

"Course not. I invited you anyway." I put up my feet. "Now, if I may ask... who were your family? I don't remember seeing you before, so I don't imagine they were buried here."

"Uh, no. They're buried in... over by Westdam." I nodded, knowing full well that most of Westdam's corpses got redirected here.

"So... grandparents. Mom and dad. And then... did you have any siblings?" Amanda frowned.

"Do we have to talk about this? It's kind of not your business."

"I'm a mortician, it's my business to know about dead people. Don't wanna say, don't gotta." Amanda seemed to consider. If she didn't, it would be a little suspicious...

"I guess I can. It was... a really bad car crash a few months ago. They said it was a miracle I survived." She quickly changed the subject. "What about you?" I hadn't heard of any big car crashes recently, let alone ones that involved an entire family. Strike two. I shrugged.

"Don't got no family. Never had kids or a wife or whatever. Parents... well, I think my age says enough about them."

"Ah. Makes sense."

"Okay, one more question to satisfy an old man's curiosity."

"I really think that-"

"The water will be ready in two minutes. I'm just curious why you went to her grave."

"Huh?" I stood up, stretching before bending back over with a small grunt. Gosh that hurt.

"It's just a little strange, is all. Kid was... couldn't have been in fifth grade yet. You seem a little older than that, and it doesn't sound like you're related. But... then, if you were her teacher, I feel like you would have visited way earlier."

"Uh, no. I'm definitely not a teacher." I looked at her inquisitively.

"So... why did you head to her grave?" Amanda shifted uncomfortably, shrugging a bit.

"I mean... I just kinda did, I guess? Wasn't able to make the funeral, and I only now just got time."

"Huh. Ah... hmm. What was her name?"

"Umm... Ann... Annie?" Annabel. That was strike three for her. I couldn't deny that I was excited to be out of here after so long.

"Wasn't the funeral months ago...?" Amanda abruptly stood up.

"Look, I'm really sorry. I appreciate your generosity, but I really have to go." I grabbed her arm.

"Well, I'm sorry too." She tried to pull away, but my grip was deceptively strong.


"Annabel told me you killed her. Rather nasty way too. Why would you strangle a kid?"

"I would never!"

"I saw the body, Amanda. I read the autopsy. No chemicals, but plenty of bruises on the neck."

"I'm... I'm pretty sure you need more sleep."

"I think you need to sleep. For much, much longer." I tapped her head, and Amanda slumped over. I grinned, my body dissolving as Amanda fell to the floor. For a few moments, there was just Amanda there.

After a bit, she got up, shaking her head a bit and grinning.

"This is much better," I said. "It's been forever since I got a new body. And such a young one too! I forgot how nice it is to be able to stretch properly!" I stood up, testing out my new body. She wasn't the first female I'd been in my line of work, but the first in a while. "Well... time to let Annabel know that she has been avenged. Maybe she'll stick around for a bit afterwards. I know I plan to."


shadowylurking t1_jdym3mv wrote

that ending was awesome


ArbitraryChaos13 t1_jdyoqak wrote

Thank you! I have... no idea where I got the idea of a body-snatching being who's been around for centuries, but it sure did pop into my head, and I sure did have a fun time writing it! If I get the chance, maybe I'll write other... similar characters.