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t1_iufj7p6 wrote

There were three of the beastwomen, and it was just me and Spot. Don't get me wrong, Spot is a survivor. I found him hurt years ago, and the scars on his muzzle and flank told a tale of a bad life, but he'd always been a gentle giant of a beast.

But I'd never taken him as a fighter until that day. Spot stood firmly by my side. I never knew what they meant about hackles being up until I saw my sweet little boy ready for war.

We charged the shrieking birdwomen as they started flapping their wings, and I got lucky. A swift overhead strike, like you use to chop down a thick rope, and the first one was down in a pool of inky black blood. For my trouble I took a gash to the arm, and Spot circled to my back, barking and snapping at one of the beasts while I squared against the other.

The beast in front of me swiped at my face, forcing me to back away and trip up short of Spot. I spun and swung high, and caught the monster's clawed hand on their backstroke.

With a flick of its wrist the creature snatched the blade, and I knew I was screwed. I always though the whole life flashing before your eyes thing was a lie, then I saw it all.

my father hitting me, drunk and terrible, but it was better than hitting my little sister. This was the last time, when i hit back, not like..

the first night with Angie, drunk on strawberry wine, the demon not yet in me, her hands warm and hair so soft, smelling like...

dandelions, twined into a crown. She was dressed in a shift, no, a toga, a witch, the laughter of women in my ears, the sounds of the wind chattering like...

birds, in the trees. Running away, Kerberos at my heels, hot bread in my hands. A good boy, named after the spots across his back, after the three headed hound, a monster, like a hydra, like...

harpies. Monstrous women, cursed by Zeus. I went with my sword to dispatch them, to save the King and return home, prideful like...

a peacock, her favorite, the Mother of Gods, sending me to find the Fleece, to save the kingdom, her hands pressing

A sword. The harpy flapped away from me then, baring fangs and screeching.

It felt right. I knew the blade, every nick and worry from hilt to tip. Its weight felt natural in my hand, and I knew what I had to do.

My body went into autopilot, and I went to killing the harpies with a will. Spot was my shadow, keeping the surviving shade from me, snapping in all directions. We worked together, and made quick work of the challenge. And as the last fell I heard the Stranger scream, and then those screams were replaced by moans of pain.


t1_iufss5t wrote

The Stranger's captive was no longer tied to the stone, and the bird that had been tearing at the captive's stomach had disappeared along with the arena. The wounds I had seen before were gone, replaced with a mass of scars across his chest and stomach. The captive curled into the fetal position, and I went to check on the man I just saved.

His face was rugged. While the Stranger and his watchers' faces were handsome in their perfection, the captive's features were more primitive, carved from clay rather than marble. Lines marked his mouth, as if finally relaxed after a permanent scream. I rubbed his back as I had countless friends in pain before, and the captive relaxed, turning over on his back.

"Thank you, kind sir. You cannot know how long it has been that I was held there by the Tartarean." the free man whispered. "If there is anything I can do, any gift I can offer, I'd give it gladly."

"Heh, I don't think you have much to offer, friend, but th—"

He grabbed my arm and I looked into the captive's eyes.

"Fire. Knowledge. I have much to give. So, so many things... lessons from the Gods. Your people learned to harness the power of Zeus, to sail across Poseidon's great seas, to hammer out weapons that would make Haephestus weep and Ares slaver in jealousy. You have gained a way to transfer Gnosis through nets of fine wire, but why stop there?"

Then the visions came. A world without death. A world without want. A world perfect and ablaze with the passions of intellect.

And above them all I sat, sitting in a Throne of twisted bronze. But it wasn't me. The eyes, those cruel and vicious eyes

I felt Spot licking me through my torn pants, and it was the only thing that saved me. The captive had wrapped me in his embrace, his eyes wild and staring into mine, spittle running out of the corners of his mouth.

The blade slid in clean. His eyes clouded, and I let his body fall back to the slab.

I dug the grave shallow, my small trench shovel ill-equipped for the work in this gravelly mess. I wrapped his body in the shroud he had risen in as my lantern cast strange shadows in the clearing. I saw my fate in a thousand shadows, a hundred deaths, a hundred happy endings.

But each was mine.


t1_iufu6i1 wrote

That was a great read.


t1_iufucbf wrote

Thanks! If you ignore my posts in magictcg you'll find a bunch of prompts, these are some of the last before I tuck in for nanowrimo


t1_iugirr4 wrote

Completely haiku-esque (is that a word? I mean it's only three syllables... )

The metaphor, simile and more is fantastic

Thank you for this


t1_iugj4zn wrote

A whole prompt written in haiku but presented in prose could be a fun one.


t1_iugl7vm wrote

In a smokey haze

Fabled and so forgotten

Stone tied and tortured


His crime, fire to man

Just a flame meant to protect

His fault was to uplift


Yes, Prometheus

We stand on smoldering stone

Us, to the future