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Appropriate-Metal-22 t1_iu3d3tc wrote

"It is in 2012 that Harry Potter, King of the Breutton starts his expension in Pas de callé, to stop the ever present threat of the young Swedish king, Emperor Phillip of the Saint Republican dinasty tries to bethrod his nee-san* Ann Frankyu, however. such an engagement was contested by the half brother of emperor, Saint Goku, having had a huge amount of influence trough the spaghetti god church, as such, a festival to see who was the sexiest man was helf over in the isle of France, Marseille, the winner would be declared pog-champ of the young women, the king Harry Potter, adept of Airsoft* begins the combat with a simpe 50. cal bullet towards the flank, seeing such an attack Saint Goku proceeds to channel his KI to stop the bullet mid air and send it back to the sender to avoid calling the red card, which would mean, a CBT act* (doc 57), as such, Harry seeing the near unbreakable shield proceeds to cosplay as Shaggy, the Red Scare of the west, as such Scooby Doo, the second handmen of the jostle was brought to assert the amount of power put to complete the dice roll (doc 914) to make a 55 attack on Saint Goku... "

" Tomorrow, we'll see the rise of Emperor Dominicus Hitlarius Trump and the effect of communism in the American society along with the economical boom of the Blue Union in 2022..."