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Enby_Bluejay t1_iu2cls4 wrote

Hey, you! I wanna tell you something before this all gets real ugly. The name's Viper. I'm the one on the left with the glowing sword and very uncomfortable ancient armor. You're probably wondering how I got myself into this mess, and I promise you it was not at all my fault!

Ok, it may have been a little my fault, but on my father's grave it wasn't all me.

See, no one would ever have expected me to end up here; I was a theif, a conwoman, a risk taker, and a flirt. People...tolerated me, but it was only because I was a master of poisons, and they knew I'd be happy to slip a little something in their drinks whenever I worked as a bargirl.

So, obviously, when the sword lit up after aeons and millennia and blah blah blah mystic fate stuff, I decided it'd be fun to pretend I was the chosen one.

Unfortunately for me, the people in this town were far more stupid than I'd anticipated and accepted me as their heroine without question.

Of course, I formed a ragtag group of party members; Rachet the inventor, Aaron the sorcerer, and Katrina the warrior, and they all had their backstories and reasons to join me on this stupid, stupid quest I was now obliged to partake in.

Nobody ever stopped to think that maybe, just maybe the village theif who prefers nightime wasn't the best choice of knight for THE ENTIRE GODFORSAKEN WORLD.

Because, say it with me, people are stupid.

So that's how I ended up in a death match against the very embodiment of death and destruction. It's also why I telling you this now, before I strike, because I genuinely have no bloody clue if I'm going to win this one. But hey, look on the bright side, if I lose he's gonna consume everything and everyone in a neverending blackeness anyway so I'll never have to come clean about all this!

Silver linings, ey?