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ph30nix01 t1_iu4ikpz wrote

"Congratulations" said a voice from the shadows."you are the first chosen one who willingly chose to exist as one."

"But I didn't actually do anything I just helped people believe so they wouldn't be stressed out." I said my voice trembling but still confident.

"Don't worry my dude that's not fear you are feeling its excitement for finally knowing who you are. You will get used to it but it will scare others who don't know themselves. Here come have a seat." With that all the shadows vanished, curtains swept away from the windows and the purest light of day flooded the chamber.

"Now to get straight to the point. The chosen one is just a concept, an ideal to live up to. It comes with the benefit that if people even know there is a chosen one they can live their lives free of stress from the.... what do people call them? Boogeymen?" He said while escorting me to a seat at a table that suddenly appeared.

"Okay now down to business. I need to train you to be my replacement. " he said beaming with pride.

"But I don't want to be evil!!!!" I cried.

"No no no, I want to teach you how to be the perfect guiding light for others nothing more. I had to walk the dark path to put warnings for others."

"A guide? Everyone said I needed to be a leader." I said quizzical.

"Leaders don't declare themselves they are chosen by the free will of the people." He said putting a hand on my shoulder. "To be selected you must show them they can walk the path just by the light you shine to clear the shadows from where they don't need to be."

" I think I understand but I don't feel I understand." I said taking a seat at the table.

As I sat down I saw all the villains "defeated" by past heros. Before my eyes they all changed into all the heros from my childhood.

"Sometimes to find themselves people need to have something to fight against when they only needed to believe in themselves." He said with a sad sigh. "The negative energy they create causes us to be corrupted and perverted. Luckily those that give off positive energy don't see us as anything but ourselves. We try to protect them but we are limited in only small changes."

"Like the butterfly effect?"I asked, becoming intrigued.

"Exactly that. If we used full power it would risk breaking the mind of those not accustomed to thinking eons into the future."

"The good news is that no one needs to anymore. We have created a spirit that can locate the negative energy and if not invert it they can at least balance it so people can find balance in life."

With a wave of his hand books appeared in front of everyone seated at the table, except for me. I was given a notebook and quill.

"Welcome to your first day of school. Let me introduce your teachers." With a smile he lifted one hand and the purest sweetest ringing of a bell was heard all across the land. With it peace and harmony spread and the stress of existing faded into happiness.