IamN8Wright t1_ixgrbyt wrote
"Nice speech teach, but how exactly are we supposed to defend dark magic... we can't use that here." Said some sullen kid in the middle of the classroom, "its like practicing to ride a damn bike by using a stationary one!" The whole classroom began snickering and murmuring to each other.
Mr. Constantine looked out and then the lights in the room suddenly dimmed, and then in whispered voice, "Your right. Now stand up Dithard, and walk toward me."
The whole class grew quite as they witnessed Dithard standing up, they could see he was helpless to resist, his body was moving on its own, independent of him. Dithard never looked so scared.
"Thank you Mr. Dithard, now walk to the board and write, "I will not use sarcasm in this class again." You will do so ten times, and after the tenth time you may be released from my commands."
"Now class, can anyone tell me what happened there? Jillica?"
"Y-you used dark magic. H-how? W-we are not a-allowed to use dark magic!"
"Very good Jillica, but I am not ready to answer your question yet. With Mr. Dillard's sarcasm aside, he did make a very valid point." At this comment a tear ran down Dillard's face, "who here remembers in the Wards 101 class what happened when you countered a Wind Attack with a Fire based Ward?"
"It ended up taking my eyebrows off!"
"And why was that Herb?"
"Because the two magics combined and created a flame torch." Herb began to touch his forhead where is eyebrows used to be.
"Trust me class, when I tell you that you do not want to see what happens when Dark magic binds to your Ward."
"What happens?"
"Well, have any of you seen a gargoyle? A gargoyle is the result of a specific stone based dark magic attack binding to an improperly set wind based ward. Now there are some other factors that need to be in play but you should get my drift. Wards should only be used sparingly, and if no other option is available. Thus back to my main point, royalling F#@*ing some one up! We want to incapacitate your foe before too much Dark magic is released."
With that there was a loud thud, and to everyone's shock Dithard's head hit the wall and he slumped to the floor and began whimpering. He was not able to immeadiatly stand up, and so one of the other classmates, glaring at Mr. Constantine, helped him back to his seat.
"All right class, can anyone tell me what happened here, with your classmate?"
"You used Dark Magic again on him! I will report this to the Dean!" This came from the student who helped his friend back to his seat.
"You can tell the Dean. It wont change what happened, and it will simply inform her that your not meant for this school. Your dismissed, bye!"
"Leave my class, or quit your idle threats. I have little tolerance for sullen brats!"
"Fine. It's whatever anyway."
"No, I did not use Dark Magic that time, contrary to what the Dark Masters would have you think, Dark Magic does have it limits. No, Mr. Dithard did that to himself."
"I fought against the Compelling the whole time. I fought with every muscle I had to stop, I was freaking out! I could see what I was doing, but I couldn't stop. "
"And then when he finished the tenth sentence, he was still fighting it, but with no resistance from the Compelling, he flung himself against the wall. He was also exerting alot of energy that was going nowhere, right?"
"Very good Jillica. Now remember this, Dark Magic can not be used to make someone hurt themselves, or someone they love, but you can use it to make them do it to themselves. I see you are still a little confused, don't worry, we will go over it again. For now though lets move to something a little more rough."
Mr. Constantine snapped his fingers on both hands and with a rustling of air a man materialized in the center of the classroom. "W-where am I?"
Edit: I added a little moar! to the story haha.*
[Not sure what universe the story is established in... but I thought this would still be entertaining...]
rain-blocker t1_ixijfrv wrote
Constantine is from DC. Total douchebag, but an awesome douchebag.
IamN8Wright t1_ixil15q wrote
Ooohhhhh! Thanks.
OMGYouDidWhat t1_ixjjvw8 wrote
Nice. You don't even know who John Constantine is and yet you nailed him!
I'd strongly encourage you to read the John Constantine comics written by Garth Ennis for the DC "Adult oriented" line called Vertigo.
IamN8Wright t1_ixjkr53 wrote
Will do thanks!
Strange_guy_9546 t1_ixibjl1 wrote
IamN8Wright t1_ixiixam wrote
I added a little bit for now... just for you haha!
Strange_guy_9546 t1_ixijkb0 wrote
Oww, sweet!
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