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Ataraxidermist t1_iy8rsz2 wrote

Dear lord no. I read one of his stories and never dared to pick up another.

He's in another universe when it comes to horror.


MyloRolfe t1_iy8sg6h wrote

My imagination is so vivid that this came across as really close. Same kind of body twisting that he likes to do. It looks absolutely disgusting in my head which gives the best kind of gut clenches.


Ataraxidermist t1_iy8tn0h wrote

Here's me, happy I'm not in your head. Jokes aside, a huge thank you, that's quite the compliment.


Deloptin t1_iy8v0zk wrote

I used to be so scared of horror films, games, etc... then I read mystery of amigara fault or whatever the name is (I refuse to search it up) and now I can play horror games without even flinching


Ataraxidermist t1_iy8vjzr wrote

Was it the one with the human shaped holes up in the hills?


Deloptin t1_iy8w6be wrote

Yes it was


Ataraxidermist t1_iy8xb1i wrote

My condolences, I read it too. Haven't fully recovered yet.


BrienneOfDarth t1_iy98odw wrote

With a partner and a twisted sense of humor, quote it during intimate times.


ButIDontKnowHow t1_iy99cry wrote

I mean, "This is my hole! It's made for me!" wouldn't be entirely out of place in the boudoir. Weird, maybe, but not horrific.


SweetHammond t1_iy9t9a0 wrote

Could you share that? I’m a veteran when it comes to horror and am not easily impressed, which kind off sucks sometimes. Would love to read that!


Ataraxidermist t1_iy9uel3 wrote

It's a Japanese manga called the enigma of Amigara fault. Junji ito is generally considered a modern master of horror, and he does indeed terrify me.

Edit: it's a short story, meaning one or two tomes only. So if you're curious about the reputation of master this guy has, it's an excellent way to verify for yourself.

And give up any hope for restful sleep


gabeheadman t1_iy9vhsq wrote

I read this once, like 15 years ago. I still remember it and it still gives me chills thinking about it. It's just so completely unsettling. I refuse to touch anything he's got going on.


pyrodice t1_iya765f wrote

Is that a collection of his stories? I was going to suggest "spirals" but if it's already in there…


faderjack t1_iyass88 wrote

That story was included at the end of the full published version of Gyo. I consider Gyo to be one of his weakest works, so I'd probably just find Enigma of Amigara Fault online, because it is one of his best short works. His best longform story is Uzumaki, which is def worth purchasing if you find you enjoy Amigara.


Ataraxidermist t1_iya9jmb wrote

Can't tell you, I read the e book version, I don't know how the physical manga is packaged.


Tomorrow_Is_Today1 t1_iyb89pt wrote

I was okay with the "my hole" story but the one about people having really long dreams haunts me to this day. I think it's called Nagai Yume.


MtnNerd t1_iybc4t5 wrote

I recommend also picking up Uzumaki.


Spore_Flower t1_iya67vh wrote

Thanks for the reminder. My brain worked really hard to forget that one.


cheesynougats t1_iy9iq3b wrote

I got more than a bit of In the Mouth of Madness vibe from this.