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HeartwarmingTroll t1_ixom3kz wrote

The time I was most surprised by a brain fart was when I was presented a freaking "Saint - Chart" comparing the wisdom of different individuals - and came to the conclusion:

The wisest of them all is Sidious.

I was like.. wait a second.

How is a SITH LORD a Saint!?

Something's wrong, I sense it.

This is madness, have to end it!

I was feeling like a robbing bandit

in a place where trees are splendid.

Call me "Räuber Hotzenplotz"!

The most surprising thing that made me laugh out really hard?

It is whenever a hater hates and criticizes a fellow human's art.

Edit: editing complete


LeadGem354 t1_ixomxc9 wrote

Thanks. Glad I could help. I remember laughing at the horrible Edelweiss wall paper at the motel where I lost my virginity, the sex was disappointing but we both got a kick out of how tacky it was.


HeartwarmingTroll t1_ixop56i wrote

Hahaha god damnit. Good one!


LeadGem354 t1_ixorrrp wrote

In a college history class, I failed to catch that my free MS Word clone spell check had rendered "protestants" as prostates, and Nazi Socialist Party as "Nazi Vocalist Party". The professor somehow missed that the Mexican-Vietnam war should have been Mexican American War on a test.

Edit: Sideous was smarter than Darth Plagueus the wise.. 🤣