RyjeeImages t1_iyf9hdm wrote
Reply to comment by RyjeeImages in [WP] When someone is born their soul is bonded to a random star in the universe. Magic is real and most people have varying degrees of power, with that power tied to the proximity of your star. Your soul is bonded to your sun. by XantosZ
Josh focused on the candle, and sent out his magic. A large fireball formed again, and this time his bed had been lit on fire too. He quickly patted out the flames, and cursed at himself. Elizabeths words kept ringing through his head. Decide to be a good person. Wasn't he a good person? He was choosing not to kill people. He decided to head out and grab some food.
He reached the mess hall, grabbed a tray and sat down. He was about halfway through when his pudding bowl started to float off his tray. It zoomed over to a table, and Josh saw Catherine sitting there alone summoning several other bowls from other people. One person stood up, but his friend put a hand on his shoulder and he sat back down. Catherine smiled at the two of them, then locked eyes at Josh. A professor walked up to her table and started to say something to her, but without looking she flicked her hand and he flew into another table. Josh got up and walked out.
He arrived at Elizabeths door a little later, and weakly knocked. She opened the door, suprised to see him, and gestured inside. He sat down on her bed and hung his head.
"Do you really think I'm a bad person?"
She moved next to the bed. "You have the ability to stop her and help people, and you choose not to."
"I could kill her."
"She would have killed me if you hadn't been there. Do you think she cares about that?"
Josh looked up her. "I don't want to hurt anyone. Is there a way to stop her without hurting her?"
Elizabeth sat down beside him and thought for a minute. "What about if you scare her? You know, show off your power and put the fear of god into her. Make her think twice before bothering you or anyone else?"
Josh thought for a moment then nodded. It was getting late, so the two of them agreed to figure this out tomorrow.
The next day Josh was at breakfast when Catherine walked in. She got up on a table, then put her fingers on her head. Josh and everyone in the room got a mental message. The floor is Lava. Josh jumped on the table with everyone else, and looked down at the melting floor. He then looked up at Catherine doubling over in laughter. The conversation from the previous night went through his head. Josh put his fingers on his head, and sent her a message. Stop.
Catherine froze in place. The floor slowly started to return to normal, but she stood there mid laugh not moving a muscle. He jumped down from the table, and others started to jump down too. Josh walked over to Catherine, and looked up at her face. Though she still looked like she was laughing, her eyes showed she was panicing inside.
"I'm sorry, I only wanted to send you a message." Her eyes turned from panic to anger. Josh turned and ran out the door as a professor walked up to the frozen woman. He ran behind a statue and collapsed onto the ground. A few minutes later Elizabeth found him there crying.
"Look what I did to her!" Josh screamed at the approaching woman. "Who knows if she will ever be okay!"
Elizabeth sighed and sat down next to him. "If it makes you feel better, shes gone from laughing to snarling. And she has the ability to threaten people again. If anything, your mind control wasn't strong enough."
"But I didn't even try to control her. All I did was tell her to stop." Josh stopped talking as he felt himself rise off the ground. He looked over to see Catherine storming over with one hand raised.
"What did you do to me you bastard!" Catherine screamed at him.
"I sent you a message! I swear that was it!" Josh screamed back. A crowd had started to form, and Josh saw several professors as well as Headmaster Ahagan standing nearby. Catherine looked around at the crowd, then threw Josh to the ground. She leaned close to him, and whispered:
"Better watch your back. You are fucking dead you little brat."
Part three here: https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/z8wsyf/comment/iyfgon6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
CoruptedUsername t1_iyfaoao wrote
Do you plan on continuing this further?
RyjeeImages t1_iyfbdda wrote
I hope to, I just gotta come up with something interesting for part 3. Not sure whats gonna happen.
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