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Significant_Kale331 t1_iy6258k wrote

Pov: you were telling everybody in town how good of a shot you are and now you find yourself in a Mexican stand off against the deadly gunslinger.


Ox_of_Dox OP t1_iy63824 wrote

"So, you say you're the fastest one around, eh?" The Mexican bartender cleaned a glass, smirking at the young man in front of him. "Aye! Just put me up against anyone here!" The man lifted his arms, looking around the bar. Nobody but the old banker in the corner could even handle a gun, let alone participate in a duel.

The saloon doors opened, and a large man came into the bar, followed by two plump goons. "Hey, Al!" The bartender waved over the new customer, readying a drink. "This guy thinks he can take anyone here in a duel, you wanna prove it?" The older man chuckled, "Grab your iron!" He grinned as he got up and left the bar.

Welp, I'm screwed!