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ApocalypseOwl t1_iy5b4ln wrote

Thank you, I am very surprised.

Answers: My favourite genre to write is probably Sci-Fi, due to the sheer flexibility and how many different forms this genre can emerge as. I can write a journey to the uttermost end of reality, a tale of cybernetic wonders, a mythos of robotic lifeforms, or a story of human and alien friendship, and they'll all be a joy for my mind to create. From Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, to William Gibson's Neuromancer, they are all good. I have written quite a number of these, and despite the ludicrous snobs who dislike it, I will not stop writing them. To read, well, that's a bit different. Fantasy. Dresden Files, LOTR, The Chronicles of Prydain, Earthsea Cycle, so many others. The fantastic tales of otherworlds, full of might and magic. To read those, are indeed very relaxing, very pleasing to me. I have to give an honourable shout-out to the genre of Bildungsroman, because I've always enjoyed those as well.

I find the time and motivation through discipline. If I truly want to write, then I will make the time; and because I must write, I will write the stories, no matter the time to spare. Both those you see here and those that are elsewhere. It's about setting yourself into a properly disciplined cycle, that there are days when you must write. You force yourself to open the dam in the mind and let the words flow like a tidal wave unto the page in front of you. Even if it isn't comfortable. Because if you break the discipline, then you break the cycle, then you stop writing, and frankly it takes forever to get going again if you stop. (In my experience, I have to spend some time working myself into the ol' gears again before I get up to an acceptable standard again, if I've stopped for a while.) It helps that my job is pretty good with the whole ''once you're off the site, you're not working'' sort of deal. If I'm not in the lab, I'm not working. That gives me some time to write, though not as much as I would like. (Those who remember that time I answered +80 prompts during the Covid quarentine period in a month knows what I am talking about. I really want to write mooooooore.)

I guess my favourite TV-show is Columbo? It's a very good show, with an excellent premise. Great main character, powerful story-telling. Old though. But not all old things are bad. Forgive me, this isn't a question I can say much about; I just don't watch a lot of TV, due to not owning a TV, and I refuse to get any streaming site subscriptions for secret reasons.

Hm... Anime. Hard question. For sheer bloody action, I'd say Hellsing Ultimate. Vampires vs nazis vs crusaders, lots of cool action scenes, there is a werewolf, a guy turns into a monstrous thorn-bush; what's not to like? In terms of comedy, I'd say Space Dandy(he's a dandy guy, in space), which consistently makes me laugh quite uproariously. Good, self contained, stories. Very versatile characters, with a lot of options for fun, but also philosophy(never expect to have to ask myself about the concept of ''self'' as much as I did, from a comedy). Drama, maybe Beastars? Bit odd, but I like that it takes the premise (carnivores, herbivores living together) and delves into the ramifications of that without pulling stops. Maybe it also refers back to what I answered to another question here, Xenofiction, at least somewhat, and I am fond of that concept.

But overall, I'd have to say Naoki Urasawa's Monster. Politics in post-cold war Europe, a horrifying look into the psyche, relatable medical setting, a constant wrestle with Nietzsche's ''Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster'' concept, and how to handle the experience of being all alone in the world. All of it speaks to me, and I find myself hooked. If I start to read it, as a manga, I find it nearly impossible to stop. If I start to watch the anime, I'll suddenly realize that it's 03:00 on the digital clock and I'm going to work in five hours.

I hope this was sufficient in so far as answers go.


TopReputation t1_iy5l335 wrote

My dad loves watching Columbo. I watched a lot with him as a kid lol. "Just one more thing..." was his catch phrase before he nails them with a pointed question if I remember correctly. Thanks for answering