[WP] The ritual calls for 100 sacrifices, but after reading it carefully you realize that it never specified they had to be human. Deciding to be the smartass that you are, you got a petri dish full of bacteria and sacrificed them instead. Submitted by Prompt_Dude t3_z2bgb2 on November 23, 2022 at 1:26 AM in WritingPrompts 137 comments 4,794
SeedOfFate t1_ixio475 wrote on November 23, 2022 at 6:55 PM Reply to comment by Gamer_0710 in [WP] The ritual calls for 100 sacrifices, but after reading it carefully you realize that it never specified they had to be human. Deciding to be the smartass that you are, you got a petri dish full of bacteria and sacrificed them instead. by Prompt_Dude Moar Permalink Parent 2
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