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corbindallas0220 t1_j2b8jr3 wrote

'T H A T.' I let out a short sigh. "That's what I thought you would say. Listen, I know that was you fucking with the lights last week, it blew out the breaker panel and the landlord made me pay for it, you owe me."

'I O W E U T H I S D I-' "GROSS dude, seriously. You're disgusting, I know you keeping doing something to the water pipes outside the bathroom to try to wash away the protection spell, that was another $2k for the plumber by the way."

'S H O W M E-' "Absolutely not. Look, I've had enough. I ran into the priest from the church I used to go to and I invited him over for coffee. Now, I didn't tell him about you, but if I don't see some cash by the time he get's here, I'm gonna have him excersize your bitch ass."

'B U L L S H I T' "Look out the window, he should be here any minute."

The ouija board is still for a minute and I know I got him on the ropes.

'H E L O O K L I K E A B I T C H I A I N T S C A R E D' "O really? Well did you know that he used to be an Arch Bishop and has been ordained by the pope?"

There was a brief pause and then 'I M A J U S T P O S S E S S T H E C A T A G A I N A N D C L A W H I-' "Apperantly you didn't notice, but I took the cat to the neighbors, this ain't my first day."

Another pause 'B I T C H I M D E A D Y O U K N O W I M B R O K E' "Bullshit, I know you got money somewhere, I found out about your little friend, Monica isn't it?"

'W H O D A T' "Don't play dumb, I know she's a stripper, and I know about the pizza guy that always show's up with a pizza at the same time. Just tell me where you've got the money stashed and Leonard and I will just have a nice chat about old times and the weather."

There was a knock on the door. The timing couldn't have been more perfect, but the Ouija board didn't move. "Alright, fine, enjoy hell dickhead." I got up and started towards the door when a book went sailing pass my head from behind. I looked back at the Ouija board and saw it shake a little. I walked back towards it while I heard another Knock at the door. "Just a minute," I called over my shoulder.

'F I N E L O O S E F L O O R B O A R D I N D I N I N G R O O M' "Thank you," I said with a devilish grin as I started towards the dining room. I heard a loud tearing noise, like wrapping paper behind me. I turned around to see the wallpaper had been tore in just such a way to spell out the word 'BITCH.' I just smiled again and collected what had to be at least $50k from under the dining room floor.