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enlarged-seagull t1_iyx4hob wrote

The new generation of vampires was a breath of fresh air in the vampire world. They had grown up with stories of their ancestors, who had been forced to drink human blood to survive and feared discovery by humans. But this new generation wanted more than just survival - they wanted acceptance and integration into human society.
So when they discovered that taking iron supplements and vitamin D drops could help them feel fine without drinking human blood, it seemed like a dream come true! The vampires were able to integrate into society without fear or suspicion from humans - something their ancestors never thought possible.
They spread the news far and wide, inspiring other young vampires to take advantage of this newfound freedom from the burden of having to drink human blood in order to survive. Soon enough, all over the world there were thriving communities made up entirely of vampires living alongside humans peacefully. No longer did these creatures have to hide away in dark corners for fear that someone might discover their secret; instead they could live out in the open as part-time members of society!
As time went on, even more advancements were made within vampire culture: scientists found ways for them not only stay healthy without drinking any kind of blood at all but also develop relationships with humans based on mutual respect rather than fear or mistrust due a lack thereof understanding between both species before this breakthrough occurred.. This era marked an important turning point for both humanity and vampirism alike – one where two different species could coexist peacefully under one roof while each benefiting from what the other has too offer!