roaringbugtv t1_j25qaqg wrote
"Alright! I'm a troll."
"What?" shouted Eleanor.
"I'm a troll, not a human. Are you happy now?"
Eleanor shook her head in disbelief and turned to face her husband as he started to walk into the next room.
"No, that doesn't make any sense. You're a human. You look like a bloody human."
I turn to Eleanor at the door to the living room. I was fed up with lying. I was done pretending to be someone that I'm not.
"I'm not human. You think I'm human. Everyone thinks I'm human, but I'm not. And this is why. You can't accept the fact that not all trolls are ugly and evil. I knew you'd never believe me, so I let you see what you wanted to believe."
Eleanor backs away in confusion. "No. No. That's impossible. I'd know. Trolls have magic. I'd know!"
I close my hand and slowly open it in front of her and reveal a small blue flame in my palm.
"Yeah, they do."
Eleanor was stunned. I never did magic in front of her before. I never needed to. She was better at it than I was. I then snuff out the flame and place my hands on her shoulders, and lean in close to whisper in her ear.
"Don't tell anyone."
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