ProjectEpsilon1 t1_j03hl3y wrote
The hit was simple.
A journalist by the name of Clark Kent.
Hired by some dirty cops to do some dirty work.
A couple days of planning and the trap was set. Clark had a knack for getting himself into trouble from what I gathered, so the plan would kill two birds with one stone. One, take out Clark Kent. Two, plant evidence leading cops to a rather nasty smuggling operation here in the city. (I left out the fact I had taken a job for them a few months back, less pay but a nice safehouse incase things went topsy turvy)
There was construction in a building across the way, a front for some old mafioso pals back in the day. Having remembered the service elevator in the back, I grabbed my bag and my suitcase and shipped off. Got to the site and field assembled ol'reliable, distance 100 meters, breeze? I lick my finger and stick in the air, none. I look through scope and through the window, favorite lunch spot with a window view, 4th time this week. Humans are creatures of habit. I load a round into the bolt chamber with a resounding clang, best sound In the world in my opinion.
I steady my breathing, account for bullet drop on the scope, and, just to be safe. I decided against the silencer on the rifle due to wanting them to find the evidence, but I upholster my 9mm and silence it instead, Incase things go that south.
I breathe out one long breath... and squeeze the trigger.
The bullet went through and landed on target, I'm sure of it. He fell down from his seat at the bench and then promptly got back up.
That... that hit, I'm positive
He looks at his coworkers, and assures them of his safety and then looks out the window.
Right at me
...yeah it's time to go
I begin packing up, leaving the "evidence" as I make my escape, fold up the rifle back into it's suitcase and back out. The 9mm in my back pocket ready to be drawn at a hai--
"Forgetting something?"
I spin around with the gun in my hand and fire at the voice
Godamn superman
That smug smile on his face is the last thing I see before waking up in the police department.
Taolan13 t1_j04qdl5 wrote
There's al qaeda video from afghanistan of a sniper shooting a US soldier in the chest, shouting a cheer, and then saying the arabic equivalent of "what the fuck?" When said soldier gets back up and returns fire. This was from before they learned about ballistic body armor.
I imagine a similar palette of emotions colored this man's mind when country boy Clark Kent gets up from a shot to the head.
ProjectEpsilon1 t1_j05o6r1 wrote
I kinda imagine the juggernaut hit marker sound effect from the older call of duty games
LouieWolf t1_j05zg4k wrote
do you have a link for that?
Taolan13 t1_j06lccp wrote
While I know it's not sensitive, my first viewing of this particular clip was not on a public platform, so I have no idea where it'd be available. I can try tho.
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