80s4evah t1_j5sqg76 wrote
Slave Knight Gael vs the Soul of Cinder (Dark Souls)
f---thezodiac OP t1_j5tdvqg wrote
I'm sorry, I have not played dark souls yet, so I don't think my fight will be anywhere near accurate
80s4evah t1_j5te2tn wrote
Ok, how about Percy Jackson vs Kratos?
f---thezodiac OP t1_j5u702w wrote
(I was waiting for someone to bring mythology into this, I'm gonna use pre-God of War 3 Kratos for this)
"You." Kratos proclaimed from outside camp half-blood "Son of Poseidon, have met your end."
"C'mon, which god is trying to kill me now? Is Ares back again? I told-" he stops at the sight of a being he hadn't seen before, "and who are you?"
"Kratos, son of Zeus, killer of the gods." He bellowed.
"OK, have you successfully killed any gods? Because that name doesn't just get thrown around." Percy questioned
"Indeed I have, including your former foe Ares." Kratos explained.
"So why are you trying to kill me? If you can kill Ares, why bother fighting me?" Percy asked
"Because you are the prophesied new God of the sea, so I came to put a stop to it." Kratos said pulling out the blades of Athena.
"Don't know about that seeing as how I'd have to sit next to Zeus for all of eternity, but if you insist." Percy said, uncapping riptide. He slowly exited camp half-blood near where Thalia' tree used to be.
Percy said "It's just me and you now. Do you mind if I ask one more question before we start? Are you as much of asshole as Zeus?"
Kratos did not like to be compared to Zeus, so he charged Percy.
Percy blocked the first two attacks and jumped out of the way of the third, then retaliated with a brutal swing aimed at the gut. Kratos leaped over the strike, bringing his blade back towards Percy' shoulder. The cut was not too deep, but Percy still had to grit his teeth to not yell at the pain. Percy realized this wasn't some game. Kratos was really trying to kill him. After he realized this, he ran to the river to heal, but Kratos stopped him right before he got there
"Did you truly believe I would let you do that?" Kratos asked.
"No, but I didn't need you to." Percy said as a wave of water splashed the two of them. Percy' shoulder wound healed instantly.
Kratos struggled to stand through the force of the wave while Percy slowly walked over and said "You're in my field now." Before stabbing Kratos in the chest. Kratos tried to yell, but was muffled by the water. He reached for his blade, but Percy manipulated the water to push it away from him. By this point Percy had moved them all the way to the beach where a crowd of Half-bloods gathered to watch the fight. Kratos pushed through the water, stabbing Percy relentlessly in the chest, but it was no use in the water. After a few minutes, Percy decided he had enough and quickly chopped off one of Kratos' arms. Kratos screamed in pain as the water turned a crimson red. Percy said to him "Either leave now or lose your head. Your choice."
Kratos was infuriated, never had he been embarrassed like this. He took one final swing at Percy's chest, but his movement was too slow. Percy sliced off his head with one foul swoop.
Percy walked back to the shore where he was met by thunderous applause
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