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stupidityWorks t1_j45h84k wrote

She probably wouldn't survive very long.

With the only one who might undo my damage out of the picture, I drew my attention to the other five. They were, of course, incredibly confused and angry - mostly at the "traitor" who had shot their (apparently incompetent) healer. Everything was going swimmingly. Now, it was time to attempt something more permanent.

The body required balance to function. Even a minor disturbance, and everything would shut down, the intricate systems crashing into one another before death. I moved my focus to the leader.

Like forcing arrows out of the body, I tore holes in the flesh separating the lungs from their thick, rich blood vessels. Pressure differentials ensured that the lungs would would have lots of trouble ever becoming filled with oxygen again - plus, blood loss was always a good thing for death.

She descended into a coughing fit immediately, but coughing wasn't enough to prevent this horrible wound from doing its damage. Blood clots formed, the body trying its best to restore the delicate balance that kept it functioning, but they were easy enough to destroy if it ever came to that.

My next target would end up a little less lucky. She was holding a spear, on guard duty while the rest of them talked it out. I jerked her head down, something that I had done to my teammates at times to save them from getting it, especially when they were wounded. Except, this time, her head was plunged into her own spear.

They didn't know how I had done it, but it was pretty obvious what I had done at this point. They were all trained on me, ready to murder me after I had made a stunning last stand. To them, I was some sort of witch, or a fighter in disguise. It didn't matter at all, enough. They just wanted me, and my teammates (at a lesser priority), dead. So I had no choice but to fight back.

It was less of a fight and more of a massacre.

Of course, I couldn't "heal" all three of them at once. So, I had to find a faster way to kill them. I raked my brain for knowledge of vulnerable points. And I found one rather easily - the neck. Hanging was a method of execution, and I could use this. If you applied enough force to the head, you could snap someone's neck, which would kill them almost instantly.

But that was too much force - after all, why kill when you can simply neutralize? The eyes were an incredibly vulnerable point, after all. This is why the body has so many instincts protecting them. Eyelid reflexes, aversion to pointy things, defensive hand reflexes... none of which would work.

By pushing the eye jelly inwards, I made short work of their functionality, rendering the remaining enemies completely blind. Their attacks would be completely useless, now that they were incapable of seeing me.

I then made short work of their bodies, cutting the blood flow off of each heart, one by one. They were all dead, for they had underestimated the power of creativity and desperation.

At this point, as the rest of my party came to, I found their attitudes changed as I stitched up their lower priority wounds. I wasn't a resource anymore, I was a team member. Beyond that, I was a total badass. Part of that was fear, but another part was genuine respect - something that was, sadly, hard to come by.

One thing is certain: I'm not a healer anymore.

I am a bloodbender.