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chacham2 OP t1_j3yaqm5 wrote

Valid point. Fwiw, i had to keep stuff out to fit it into the prompt though.

>If you are born with a power, you wouldn't need money to get your first power.

Unless your power was useless. If you can sell that, you might be able to afford something useful.

> Makes me think of the anime where the guy's power was the ability to absorb and retain other people's;

I was thinking about something like that, except, that drove the idea towards grabbing better and better powers. I was aiming for all of the protagonists powers to be useless, and it just being a matter of how to use them.


AurumArgenteus t1_j3zf4fm wrote

Or getting so many useless powers with synergistic effects they are surprisngly OP.