Starchildren96 t1_j6eyd6o wrote
I hear the sounds of my stomach gargling, hunger pains override my senses. I've been chained to this chair, and unconscious for what must have been a few days. a Blind fold is pressing against my head, and I see nothing but the darkness, after what feels like a long while I hear approaching foot steps of what must be three people.
They remove my blindfold, and I'm greeted by three hideous tall men, one is bald with a nose and lip piercing, and big scars that look like they came from a blade across his ugly brutish face.
Another, has a eye patch, and long grey hair, a soulless look in his one remaining eye, and a small grin plastered across his ugly complexion.
The third I recognize as no other then the person I've been searching for, the leader of their whole organization. He is young, mid thirties, with brown short hair.
right next to them, is a rack with torture utensils, as I glance my eyes towards that the leader smirks, and says. "You didn't think I would just kill you right? You've caused me to much grievance for that."
While this is going on, I'm attempting to dislocate my thumb to get out of the handcuffs, suddenly an alarm bell rings, and another goon enters the room.
"Boss, someone has breached the perimeter, they've been on a rampage killing all our men, we need to evacuate you at once!" As he says that sentence, a throwing knife enters his skull and out his eye as he falls to the floor lifeless.
a women appears, I recognize her to be no other then, Aura.. of all the people who would come for me it was her? The one person who I would imagine would want me dead the most.
The three men draw their swords from their holsters, as Aura says. “You didn’t seriously think I would let anyone but myself be the one to kill you did you?” with a confident smile plastered upon her beautiful complexion.
"Who said that I needed saving?" I retort, a sly smirk on my face.
"ever think that maybe I let them capture me.." I continue, my hands and feet now completely freed from the chains, as the leader turns around a shocked expression on his face, and attempts to slice at me with his sword, and I effortlessly dodge it, and head butt him back in response.
Aura smiles, and starts to fight the two big goons, she dodges a sword attack from one, as she quickly slices the others neck with her short sword.
The leader, now recovered attempts to attack me again. "I'm going to make sure you at least die before I do.." he says as he charges foward at me. I do a back flip behind the chair I was chained too, and make my way over to the torture utensils and grab a knife.
This time the big goon instead of attacking with his sword, uses his size advantage to attempt to bear hug and grapple Aura. Aura, being distracted after slicing the other ones neck gets grappled by him. I see her having the disadvantage, but I'm to distracted fighting the leader.
The goon bear hugs her, and brings her to the ground, I hear a cracking sound and a groan, she had some bones broken from that, but she manages to bite down hard on his neck, and rip a huge chuck of flesh off, blood starts gushing from the big goons neck as he lets go, and Aura steps back discombulated from the attack.
The leader lunges at me again, as I just barley dodge away. I quickly lunge at him with the knife, and manage to stab him through his left shoulder, blood gushes out as he backs up in a panic.
Aura looks like one of her arms are broken, and shes in a lot of pain and on the ground. The goon was heavily injured by the bite, and lost a good amount of blood, but he gets back up again, and grabs a hammer off the tray and gets ready to finish the job.
Mean while, the leader is backing away from me, he drops his weapon and starts to run trying to retreat, a quick choice must be made by, save my enemy, that decided to save me for whatever reason, or finish off the person I came here to kill. The person I let myself get beat up and kidnapped to find.
I sigh to myself, and let the leader run off, as I come behind the goon in the nick of time to stab him through the head before he can kill Aura.
"next time, don't try saving me, I'm not one that needs to be saved." I say, with a disappointed voice.
Aura stands back up on her feet. "I only wanted to save you, so I could kill you myself, after what you did to my sister and all it's only right that I get the honors."
"how many times have I told you.." I retort, "I wasn't the one who killed your sister.."
"Yes, but you were there, you could have saved her, and you didn't.. the one who really killed her is long dead, and I lost the chance to stop them, but you're still here." she replies.
tears fill my eyes, as I reply. "I loved her, you know. I would have given my life for hers in a heart beat."
tears begin to fill Aura's eyes as well. "she wouldn't want you to be so full of hate because of her, I know this isn't who you actually are."
I begin to walk out the entrance, "hey wait! Aren't you going to fight me?" Aura yells out.
"fight you? You're in no condition to fight now, if you still want the pleasure of killing me, come back when you're healed." I reply, as I continue to walk away.
As I walk away, I hear her pull a throwing knife out of her belt, she gets ready to throw it, as I get ready to dodge it. Instead she changes her mind and puts it back in her belt.
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