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TheJ-WFinch t1_j5nla87 wrote

Victor had struggled to get to the top of the mountain. It wasn’t like he wanted to be here, but hey peer pressure was a hell of a thing. The worst thing was wishes weren’t kept secret. Specifically for the reason of keeping record of all wishes used.

Of course Victor did not make the journey alone. He came with a group of his peers. That group included, Misty, R.J, Bailey and Simon. All of them having recently turned 18. Though they had decided to wait to go so they could all make wishes together.

Misty was going first.

“I wish to be given just enough money from all the billionaires in the world that they won’t notice it’s missing.”

“Your wish is my command!” The genie replied, no one had asked that before.

Misty stepped aside as she checked her mobile banking app.

R.J was second.

“I wish to marry someone famous.”

“That wish cannot be granted at this time.”

“Damn it.” R.J muttered as he sulked away.

Bailey was third.

“I wish for my cat, Tumbleweed to be immortal.”

“Your wish is my command!”

“I knew being specific would work!” Bailey fist pumped with excitement as they bounced out of the way.

Simon was fourth.

“I wish my friendships will never end.”

“Your wish can not be granted at this time.” The genie replied. “I have only had one other person ask for never ending friendships. You must really love your friends. I am sorry i couldn’t grant your wish.”

“I do love my friends. It’s okay” Simon mumbled before sliding out of the way.

And finally, Victor was last.

Victor took a deep breath, before he opened his mouth only to close it.

“What is your wish, boy?” The genie asked.

“I don’t think it matters.”

“Why don’t you think it matters?”

“I’m sure a million people have asked for it.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“I just feel like there are a lot of in my situation.”

“Ask your wish.”

Victor sighed.

“Please, if you do not ask, I can not grant it.”

“I wish my soulmate gets switched so I don’t have one.”

The genie looked at Victor. Seemingly speechless.


“Are… you certain?”


“Your wish is my-“ The genie couldn’t finish its sentence.


“I can not grant you that wish.”

“You almost said my wish is your command though?”

“I can not leave you soulmateless.”


“It’s a rule. Everyone on earth has a designated soulmate, platonic for aromantic or romantic for those who want romance.”

“What happens if someone dies, are they given a new soulmate?”

“Yes, as soon as one is available, usually it’s a quick turn around.”

“So why can’t my wish be granted?”

“You can not roam this earth without a soulmate.”

“I am not roaming for long.”

“You are wrong about that.”

“I am dying.” Victor muttered to himself mostly.

“No you are not. You are ill. Not dying. Death does not beckon you.”

Victor blinked. “How do you know?”

“I know a lot of things. NEXT!”

Victor frowned as he was made to walk away. He would have to contact a lawyer since there are a few who specialize in genie wishes.