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Writteninsanity t1_j5ns6dx wrote


The_Almighty_Cthulhu t1_j5of4lo wrote

Yea I can imagine that. Eventually some rich activist or activist group gets some money together, and just offers to pay for anyone that gets to the genie, knowing that the money will come back.

Followed by them just no longer trying to collect money, cause what's the point now?


DBONKA t1_j5opd2l wrote

Then they could pay with something that can't be physically moved, for example real estate, instead of money.


Uticus t1_j5p3065 wrote

Sounds like a new consultant for the land owner to try and find a way around the genies rules.

In addition the wish consulting services will likely continue to exist as the rich will still want to be the "guaranteed" wish. Downsized yes but not gone