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LeviAEthan512 t1_j5p7kr7 wrote

Yup, 10/10, definitely classic Jackson

What I'd like to know, in the field of Djinnology, is how far does the reduction go? All numbers of dollars are the same, how about different currencies, or at what point is a resource liquid enough to be a currency? Or is it just intent like you say, so if you intend to wish for some weird shit just to sell it, it counts as currency? Would superpowers be divided into categories, or all together, and would enhancing normal abilities to naturally possible levels count? Does enhancing charisma with the intent to find love count as wishing for love? Maybe not, since you can wish for the means to acquire precious metals.

More importantly, did the MC just ban all ctrl Z wishes? Or perhaps discover that undoing things isn't reduced. Because that could lead to a quest to find the guy who wished that no wish could be granted twice, or that the genie is reductive, and the right wording to undo that wish. Maybe time travel to a time can't be done, time travel to a person can't be done, but using a different sort of anchor is fine.


NotAMeatPopsicle t1_j5qcvwj wrote

I would liken this to the classic lawyer-ish genie behavior of using whatever interpretation and loopholes the djinn wishes to use. In one instance bartering could be considered an intent of currency, in another instance the djinn would claim it doesn’t apply on matter of technicality.

The challenge is to word the request and attempt to gain the favor of the djinn while not expressly attempting to do so in a way that would piss off the genie or tip your hand that you’re attempting a manipulation. I wouldn’t want to be on the disfavorable side of a djinn that thought I was attempting to manipulate them.