rlbond86 t1_j77s948 wrote
Seems like the perfect being the enemy of the good to me.
k032 t1_j77tb3m wrote
The ARLNow comment section on these missing middle stories is always a nightmare.
aurora4000 t1_j78l1a2 wrote
It is always awful.
Vassarbashing t1_j78v8l9 wrote
The ARLNow comment section is always a nightmare. I swear a bunch of commenters literally spend 8-10 hours a day on there.
ouij t1_j79o3tc wrote
They need something to do with their time after they've NIMBY'd everything else away
AmbientGravitas t1_j77b2ah wrote
Useful to note it is a specific change to the missing middle proposal they object to, not the originally proposed legislation.