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threesixrafia OP t1_iw5m84t wrote

Yes I reported it to the police immediately. He was so conspicuous I figured he’d do something nasty in public again and wanted to flag it for the community


joyreneeblue t1_iw7r4xt wrote

Thanks. I saw your post on NextDoor too. Good work. I live near Courthouse and don't want this creepy stuff happening near where so many people live, walk and bike.


threesixrafia OP t1_iw8bf3x wrote

I walked down the bridge once and thought I saw something weird in my peripheral and my heart sank. I waited a few minutes before turning around to double check. The weird this is 4 people walked down the bridge after me and no one else said or reported anything? When I turned around to double check and get his information, the dude was still at it…. so disgusting. I think he got scared cus I was the only passerby who did a double take and tried to write his plate down. That’s when he fled.