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NotFBIPleaseIgnore t1_j6g7o5d wrote

Nighthawk pizza in Pentagon city has a really good Detroit style that is a thick crust. Also Badd pizza in falls church does thicker Buffalo style pizza


Kung-Fu_Tacos OP t1_j6j2ne0 wrote

Thanks for the tip! I was looking at the Nighthawk menu around the time I posted this. Was a little annoyed that they're charging an extra $5 for a Detroit style pizza (8x10 = 80 sq inches) that's half the size of their regular pizza (14 inch circle -> 49*pi = 153 sq inches).

I get that it's thicker/ more dough but it's already a $16 personal cheese pizza don't need to add $5 for a different style.

Still going to give them a shot though, maybe it's worth the extra.