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dreadpirater t1_jaima4j wrote

Firstly, don't do this. It's unsafe and illegal in most places to make a skydive when you don't have a clear view of the intended landing spot. It's also very easy to become disoriented! It's particularly dangerous to jump at the same time as other skydivers with limited visibility!

But if you were bailing out of an aircraft in immediate distress and this took you through some clouds... you'd get wet, and probably not enjoy it. You're hitting moisture droplets (and many times... FROZEN moisture droplets) at the 200 kph terminal velocity that you're falling. There will be some sting on any exposed skin.

And finally, remember that clouds aren't an isolated phenomenon... they're indicators of weather activity, and that activity is USUALLY an UPDRAFT... rising currents of air are taking warm moist air from near the ground and lifting it up into colder layers to form condensation. While that's not much of an issue for you during freefall... once you pull the ripcord and have a parachute hanging over your head... an updraft can be a significant issue for you in getting to the ground in the place and time that you'd prefer to, unless you have a lot of experience controlling your descent rate. Experienced skydivers can handle a variety of steady winds, but gusts and turbulence can pose a real danger. In the fore mentioned ejecting from an aircraft in distress, this is an even bigger issue as they may have reduced ability to control the parachute and can be held aloft long enough to cause significant exposure injuries!