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godsfathermixtape t1_jbca0iv wrote

Eccrine sweat glands are present throughout the body, while apocrine sweat glands are confined mostly to the groin and armpit. Eccrine sweat is mostly water, while apocrine sweat is viscous, fat-rich sweat which bacteria love to break down and therefore results in body odour.


JFIDIF t1_jbm65d9 wrote

This. The apocrine glands are more dense in those areas and have more reactive androgen and estrogen receptors. They also may be more dense in steroidogenesis enzymes which change cholesterol/other steroids into other compounds.

A common effect of anabolic steroids is a massive change to your armpit smell.


Solid-Warning8793 t1_jc25nw6 wrote

The compounds produced are different due to different metabolism. Bacteria are different. There are several types of bacteria and their by products are different. So the environment in the armpits are more suitable to certain type of bacteria that produce the by product that smells like armpit.


haribobosses OP t1_jc4j625 wrote

To me it’s more like the jungle is different than the woodland.

Rival bacteria is precisely the point. Clearly a specific bacteria can come to dominate an armpit that never has a chance elsewhere.

I want to know why. What makes the armpit better suited than the crotch for that particular BO smell.