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ScienceIsSexy420 t1_jbq7j32 wrote

I seem to recall learning somewhere that the male chromosome has been seen to disappear as you described, and then reevolved again later on in the same species (or perhaps one of its evolutionary offspring species so to speak). Is this true?


Tropenpinguin t1_jbqox1d wrote

I don't know about that. I'm referring to J. M. Graves, a professor of evolutionary genetics. She looked at how the platypus Y was different to the human Y and calculated how much genetic material had been lost since our species diverged. That's how she got that time frame.

But she also told that some (male) scientists aren't fans of this and try to prove how stable the Y chromosome is.


ScienceIsSexy420 t1_jbqpf3u wrote

Hmmm, perhaps what I'm thinking is that multiple different male chromosomes have evolved in different branches of evolution?


Tropenpinguin t1_jbqqgwn wrote

I didn't hear of something like that, but think it's possible.

If you remember or find the info it would be interesting to know.