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lizardweenie t1_jdapyy8 wrote

I just thought of a reasonable thought experiment that might clarify your confusion:

Say you have a bath of non interacting hydrogen atoms (consider for a moment, only electronic excitation), and we are able to measure the state of each atom.

Say we measure this bath and find that f_0 fraction are in the ground electronic state E0, and f_1 are in the first excited state E1. We could then infer a temperature by comparing these populations to a Boltzmann distribution, which tells us the relative probability of finding an atom in a state at a given energy (for a given temperature). In this case temperature is a well defined and meaningful concept.

Now say instead that we have a single hydrogen atom, we measure its state, and we find that it's in the first excited state. What then is the temperature? If we try to infer a temperature from this, (using a Boltzmann distribution), we get -inf. Say instead we measure it, and it's in E0. In this case, our inferred temperature will be 0. So for this single atom system, any temperature that we try measure can only give two values, (0, or negative infinity). In this system, clearly temperature isn't behaving how we would like it to.

This troublesome result points to a larger problem with the question: asking "what is the probability distribution for state occupation" doesn't really work well for the example: the atom was measured and determined to be in state E1, its probability distribution is a delta function, which is an inherently non-thermal distribution.