lukabratzi_hatzi t1_jd6crwa wrote
Reply to comment by big_sugi in Can you extract a fully concentrated liquid out of an ice cube (like Coca Cola) until there's almost no water left? by Froggiebuns
I wonder what the equivalent of distilled is for fractional crystallization. Crystalled?
big_sugi t1_jd6cxn0 wrote
Why not just “crystallized?”
lukabratzi_hatzi t1_jd7m19d wrote
Haha, true. But since you are taking the byproduct of the crystallization process I thought it might be called something different.
big_sugi t1_jd7no3b wrote
I had the same thought. It depends on what you’re trying to capture/exclude.
The product of distilling is a distillate, so maybe crystallate? We need an etymologist here, stat!
scutiger- t1_jd834ri wrote
Crystillation sounds good to me. So crystilled?
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