Submitted by AskScienceModerator t3_yc89rq in askscience
I am Doctor Mark Horowitz MBBS PhD, and I am a psychiatric researcher in the National Health Service in England, an honorary researcher at University College London and training psychiatrist. My research has been concerned with how to safely stop psychiatric medications based on understanding their effects on the brain - and the technique I have developed, called hyperbolic tapering, has been adopted as guidance for the public by the Royal College of Psychiatrists in the UK. This research came out of my own awful experience coming off antidepressants. I run a clinic in the public health service in London to help people safely stop psychiatric drugs for anxiety and depression and find that many people who could not stop their medication in the 'old-fashioned' ways are able to do so safely in my clinic, now supported by studies using similar techniques.
I am also a co-author of the recent umbrella review assessing the validity of the serotonin hypothesis ('chemical imbalance') in depression, published in Molecular Psychiatry. While many psychiatrists say this is old news, research suggests that over 80% of the public still believe in the chemical imbalance theory, and many companies and healthcare bodies still promote it on their websites.
In North America, I have co-founded a company called Outro Health, which brings this gradual, supported and hyperbolic approach to people in Canada and the US, so that people will have the support they need (and which I did not have!). I will be on at 12pm US EST (16 UT) for 3 hours. AMA!
Username: /u/safedeprescribing