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RandomPhail t1_ivo56zs wrote

Aight, bet, SO…

Why can’t we take the antibodies from surviving cancer patients and distribute them to people with cancer


ukezi t1_ivo5qvq wrote

There isn't one cancer, each of them is their own thing, made up of your own cells that mutated. So antibodies from somebody else will not work.

There are some viruses that can cause cancers and we are developing vaccines against them.


Brandon432 t1_ivosqo4 wrote

First, cancer is a a single disease. It is 100 diseases. Even breast cancer, lung cancer, or skin cancer each comprise a half dozen common types and dozens more rare types.

Second, cancer isn’t a foreign cell, like a venom protein, bacteria, or virus. Cancer is your body’s own on cells run amok, replicating without control in places they shouldn’t.