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GeneralWeebeloZapp t1_iw7l9sw wrote

In addition to all the great answers here I wanted it mention some medications that can affect absorption from the GI tract.

As all the other comments mentioned, beta blockers and other agents that decrease heart rate and blood pressure do not affect absorption from the GI tract. However, there are some agents with the opposite effect that do.

Many agents we refer to as vasopressors can have this affect, some common ones would be norepinephrine, epinephrine, and phenylephrine. These agents act on act on alpha-1 receptors as well as others. Their action causes peripheral vasoconstriction, which increases and maintains blood pressure, often in critically ill patients. This action maintains adequate perfusion of the heart and brain, but can cause less blood flow to other areas due to vasoconstriction. This can include the GI tract, which may cause decreased absorption of medications and nutrients from the GI tract.

This is a very simplified explanation, but it’s the first thing to came to mind.