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Silent-Literature-41 t1_iwn0ii4 wrote

Can the sun create anti matter? If so, by what mechanism?


mfb- t1_iworqvn wrote

Proton-proton fusion in the core produces positrons which are generally seen as part of antimatter, even though you would also need antiprotons (which are not produced) for neutral anti-atoms. The positrons quickly annihilate with electrons to photons, contributing to the power of the Sun.


Pharisaeus t1_iwn1m31 wrote

One simple way is pretty much the same as we use to create anti-protons on Earth -> by accelerating protons and colliding them. With enough energy a proton-antiproton pair might be created. This means for example that solar wind (high-energy protons ejected from the sun) can collide with Earth's atmosphere and the collision can create anti-protons. There were even crazy ideas like: