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BioTechproject t1_iwp1daz wrote

There is no hard limit of where atmosphere ends and outer space starts. It just gets less dense the further one is away.

Molecules can just get yeeted into space, never to be seen again. Other molecules from other planets can come to ours, ours can go to others. They can be struck by solar wind, getting stripped, or they can absorb alpha/beta particles n do funky weak-force-stuff


mfb- t1_iwp1dwq wrote

You get isolated gas atoms/molecules that follow their own orbits until they collide with something. If you release gas in a low Earth orbit then essentially no particles reach escape velocity, so almost all the gas becomes part of Earth's atmosphere.


Money_Display_5389 t1_iwp2j3l wrote

these guys know their stuff. I was gonna point out that "escapes" doesn't tell you enough to explain what happens next. Kinda gotta think of the atmosphere around earth like the smoke machine. Sure you can kick your feet and stir up a cloud but its just gonna slowly dift back down to the ground. If the air gets far enough away solar winds/radiation will eventually collide with it.


ScootysDad t1_iwpd8hp wrote

Interestingly, no human has ever left earth's atmosphere. It actually is larger than the moon's orbit around the earth. Atoms like hydrogen and helium are so light that they travel way up there but they are still gravitationally bound to the earth until they collide with another particle (solar wind, interstellar particles) with enough energy that they are ejected. Large solar flares and gamma ray burst can strip the earth of its atmosphere.

Edit: We are running out of helium (important noble gas for cryogenic work) because 7 billion of balloons are being filled each year. 8 now.


Chemomechanics t1_iwqk0u9 wrote

> no human has ever left earth's atmosphere.

This seems like an arbitrary definition of "atmosphere." Exactly where do you define the threshold? Can you provide a literature reference?


Ok_Construction5119 t1_iwrf0ai wrote

It just becomes more disordered due to the second law of thermodynamics. It will reach its lowest energy state and highest entropy value based on the temperature and pressure (a few degrees K and 0, respectively) as time approaches infinity.


Chemomechanics t1_iwrhmbc wrote

The purported threshold I'm questioning is the one where molecules are suddenly "gravitationally bound to the earth," as in the parent comment. I'm skeptical about that and would like to read a more complete description.


ScootysDad t1_iws7hyk wrote

This 100km is an arbitraty value for geopolitical purposes with minimal scientific data.

This was declared space for the purpose of transiting over national territories. Very similar to the 2 mile limit for territorial water and 200 miles national economic water.


Chemomechanics t1_iwsa5w7 wrote

Thank you for this reference. The introductory section clarifies: the exophere isn't a cloud or wisp or confine but the region where gas collisions essentially no longer occur—the lower limit of rarefication. Any molecule that happens to have—or ends up having—a speed greater than escape velocity leaves for the void in a ballistic trajectory.

I don't think many would consider this an atmosphere in colloquial terms, but it is undoubtedly associated with our atmosphere (although arguably beyond its meaningful edge), so I appreciate your point: Humans haven't traveled very far from Earth.


ScootysDad t1_iwsip6m wrote

Scientific definitions have to be precise and we must be ready to give up on our long cherised notions. Except for Pluto. I'm still Team Pluto. Those astronomers...what do they know. :-)


MegavirusOfDoom t1_iwt6h6r wrote

The frost vapor is attracted by the void through diffusion, and can be knocked by radiation. It becomes a diffuse ball of atoms maybe about 1 mile wide after a couple of days and 100 miles after a month, 1 million miles after some months.